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Acekard 2i not reading + whitescreen

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by luvelias, May 14, 2010.

  1. luvelias

    luvelias Well-Known Member

    Did some mild googling and searching through here and gbatemp but couldn't find the answer I was looking for so I'm making this post.

    I bought 10 acekard 2i recently and 1 ended up not working. Not bad... 1/10

    When I put it in the dslite and dsi no game was detected at all. I thought it was the contacts at first (it might still be.. I don't know.) so I tried the paper trick and it still didn't read on either my dslite or dsi.
    Next I tried removing the 2 plastic things that cover part of the contacts (I did this previously before for another acekard 2i that wasn't reading and it worked) and it still didn't work on either systems.
    Then I figured since it wasn't working anyway, I used the unbricking technique where I loaded the 1.4 updater on another card then put the broken one in and updated it.
    I put it in my dsi and it read this time with the danny phantom icon but when clicked, it just stays on a white screen. I tested it in my dsl also but it didn't even read the card at all on that.

    So my question is... does anyone know how to fix this or is it just a broken card and was from the start. I don't want to bother with returning it since I bought it in HK and it took a month to get here and I'd have to pay for shipping anyway. If there's nothing I can do I'll just keep it as desk decoration or something lol but I'm hoping maybe someone knows something I can do.

    Oh yeah, I took it apart just for the fun of it thinking maybe I could realign it that way but nope... no luck.

    Thanks in advance for any help [=

    extra info:
    all cards were running akaio rc2 with latest loaders and like I said 9 ran perfectly and 1 didn't.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You see to have tried everything. I'd say it's a dud card, and go back to the retailer and get a replacement. Acekard honors a good warranty on their items.