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Acekard 2i not play some games

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by andriod, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. andriod

    andriod Member

    I have acekard 2i running akaio 1.8.7 and for some reason it wont let me play pokemon white or black.
    I originally started playing black a couple weeks after the release after I beat it, I got white and was happy.
    2 weeks after this black stopped working completely. it would just stop at a white screen when I tried to load it.

    after that white still worked until just recently. Is it a matter of bugged roms or software glitches?
    If so how can I fix it?

    thanks in advanced.
  2. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    why are you running 1.8.7 when 1.8.8 is available?

    Make a back up of your microSD card on your desktop and format the microSD card using the panasonicSD formatter to see if this helps
  3. andriod

    andriod Member

    This seems to have fixed the problem. I can play the game now.
    Thank you
  4. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    Glad u got it sorted :)
  5. Crazyplayboy

    Crazyplayboy Well-Known Member

    Hehe, i am late, but yeah, funguy is correct, always keep up with the latest firmware.