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Acekard 2i Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by stuff64, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. stuff64

    stuff64 Active Member

    Recently, my Acekard 2i has not been working. It freezes when I turn it on sometimes and every time I turn it off, then turn it back on later, it says there is not card inserted. I have to keep blowing it and trying to see if it works and it usually works after 5-8 tries. Now whenever I click on a game, the top screen turns black and the bottom screen turns white. Should I just format it and redownload all the firmware?
  2. knightof3

    knightof3 Well-Known Member

    Yes try that. That sometimes happens to me because the card is sort of loose and if it is pulled slighty it just freezes but that could only be me but if it doesnt work after a reformat and all i think you should try to get a new one
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If your DS is fully saying there is no cart in there, the contacts are probably dirty. If you can, put a VERY LIGHT amount of rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip and gently run it over the contacts on the cart. You might be surprised at how much dirt you pick up.

    Also, blow into the card slot on the DS (dry air, don't accidentally spit in there). Whenever my DS has a detection issue, I blow on the contacts and in the cart slot. Usually gets it working again pretty quickly.