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Acekard 2i Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by scoria, Jan 19, 2010.

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  1. scoria

    scoria New Member

    After looking around at many sites and forums, I still can't seem to get my acekard 2i sorted, I'm truly stuck as I'm really new at this as I just brought it and I used a NDSTT last time.

    Basically, I've tried many suggestions found on forums and downloaded from the official acekard website,...(maybe I downloaded the wrong file...) I've tried many different downloads. When I place them on the SD card and put it in the DSi and all, it comes up with the "An error has occured" message.

    My DSi is a Ver 1.4A

    Hope to hear from anybody soon, I really am lost
    Thanks in advance
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Do you have access to another non dsi system?

    You need to run an update that needs to be done on a non dsi system (or at least 1.3 in dsi firmware).

    I don't mean the firmware...not sure what it's called but it's on the acekard site, once you run it it'll bypass the 1.4 firmware block.
  3. supermike

    supermike New Member

    My poblem is absolutely the same. :-\
    My Acekard 2i arrived today. Formatted a 4Gb SD card to 32Fat and Putted the official 4.21 version on it.

    Placed the acekard 2i into the dsi and I get the following: "an error had occurred. Press and hold the POWER Button to turn the system off. Please refer to the Nintendo DSi operations Manual for details. "

    Even when the SD card is not in the acekard, the same message pops up after clicking ion the Acekard icon.

    Would also like to know THE solution.
  4. scoria

    scoria New Member

    No i don't have access to another console as my DSl got busted majorly, that's why I brought a new DSi.

    How do I run the update? Just place in flash card and open it up?
  5. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Google where it says to download.
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You'll need to run the update on a DS Lite or another DSi on a firmware lower than 1.4 unfortunately.
  7. scoria

    scoria New Member

    sigh...ok then, at least I know now. I'll try and find a friend to let me borrow their's.
    Thanks for clearing things up for me. Hopefully I'll be all good once I get that sorted.
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