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Acekard 2i & Guitar Hero Decades WITH GRIP problems

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by punkrockserfer, Jan 17, 2009.

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  1. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    Hey guys

    I just got my Acekard 2i in the mail yesterday and I've been messing with it all night and I've come across one major problem that extensive searching on google has been unable to solve. I'm using the Acekard 2i on my DS lite and I'm trying to play the US version of Guitar Hero On Tour Decades that I downloaded from this website.

    When I first booted the game it told me "You can't rock without a guitar grip" despite the fact that I had the guitar grip firmly in the gba slot. I tried a few more times and it finally loaded. While playing songs I can press the buttons without any issue (I know because I can see they are pressed on the screen). The problem seems to be with the strumming. I will strum PERFECTLY in time (and yes I'm positive I'm in time, I've played this game since it was called Guitar Freaks in the arcades and I'm pretty good) but despite the fact that I strum the notes on time they miss about 80% of the time. Every now and again they hit but most of the time they miss. Oddly enough, it seems to detect the strumming better at the top of the screen.

    That led me to think that my touchscreen was messed up. HOWEVER, I own the official cartridge of Guitar Hero On Tour and when I plugged that in and played I had no issues whatsoever and completed a song perfectly. Has anyone had any similar issues? It's incredibly annoying to play a song perfectly but miss 80% of the notes because of some unknown issue.

    Thanks for the help guys

    edit: I forgot to mention that the guitar grip is the official one that came with the original Guitar Hero On Tour
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Could just be partly incompatible.
  3. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    Okay well for anyone interested (possibly having the same issue as I had) I figured it out. It took a while for me to notice it, but Decades apparently has the option to activate your star power using the touch screen by pressing the microphone on the left side of the touch screen. APPARENTLY, when I play I tend to start my strumming there, thus causing the game to think I was trying to activate my power, instead of strumming. The problem was remedied when I changed how the star power gets activated (via the options menu) to just speaking into the microphone. Now any time I strum, the game recognizes it correctly. It works great.

    Hope that helps someone else who was having strumming issues also.
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