So I got my acekard 2.1 a few months ago and now it's acting weird. A few save files are not being recognized any more. F or example; Picross 3D. It worked well for 2 months or so, but now I have to start all over, and my previous save file is still there!! I don't understand this. Is there a way to reload my save file so I can continue with my game?
weird, this very thing happened to me last night with that exact game, and the only thing that i did differently was i downloaded some puzzle packs and come competition packs.. after doing that and scrolling through them the game crashed and my save was gone.. weird thig is that my GFs AK2i still reads her save file fine after downloading the puzzle packs..
Was your game the (E) version and trimmed? The (E) version seems to have issues with trimming when you go to download puzzle packs. Well, there is the generic back up and format, but that's all I can really think of. Are you using the latest AKAIO firmware?
that it was, and thats most likely the problem.. good to know! too bad i erased the file and stuff cause from what i can tell the (E) version save transfers fine to the (U) one i have now..