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Ace Attorney Investigations - black screen

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by cooro, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. cooro

    cooro New Member

    I've just gotten to the fifth case, part two, where Franziska and Edgeworth are going into the second embassy. Once the game fades to black to switch to the next scene, it stays black and doesn't load anything else, though I can still hear the music playing.

    I'm using the original R4, though I'm not too sure of any of the other details since I'm not too good at checking the versions, etc. though I can look if someone tells me how. I've tried redownloading the game, reformatting my microSD, as well as using YSMenu. I've never had problems playing any other games I've wanted to before. Is there anything else I should try or do I just have to wait for a patch?


    Edit: I just tried updating my firmware to v 1.18 too, but still with no results. (Not too sure about the difference between kernal and firmware? Should I try that too?)
  2. quellmanmq

    quellmanmq New Member

    I've got the same issue at the -start- of Case 5, when Kay/Miles leave his office to start the case. I'm using...uh, the DS version? I saw someone had an issue with this game and NO$GBA (https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=34610.0), I'm not sure if that means he has a GBA version of the game (Maybe from Japan?) or if its just software for a slot-2 card.

    Here's what I've tried so far.

    1) Played cases 1-4 int heir entirity with v1.18 R4 software from here: http://www.r4ds.com/ Game hangs when Miles and Kay leave the office in case 5.

    2) Updated to v1.24 (Bate? Did they mean Beta?) software from: http://www.r4li.com/ From the heading 'R4DS Update' (not the R4---I---DS update). Same issue.

    3) Saw someone had success with v1.23 from the same heading as in step 2. Same issue.

    4) Used R4YsAuto to install the newest version of the YS Menu from the official site. (I think it is? Filename: YSMenu0903270000.zip). Same issue.

    Anything else you think I should try?

    Addendum: Maybe if someone could make a save point as soon as is available in that case, I can just bypass the troublesome part. (You can't save in the opening cutscene, sadly. I have need the opening cutscene for that case enough to make me sick.)
    Post Merge: [time]1266703535[/time]
    AHA! I got it!

    I downloaded from the European server when I that worked on another thread.

    Maybe someone in charge needs to know? The American download has a tendency to hang while the European one does not? But...why would it hang in difference places? And aren't they the -same file-? Bah, who knows.

    Cooro: You ever get past your part?
  3. cooro

    cooro New Member

    I got it to work! :) I downloaded the .nds file from a different host and was able to finally get passed the part I kept freezing on.

    I had already tried downloading from the European server, but that didn't work for me either. So something to keep in mind for everyone else just in case.
  4. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    you use YSmenu??
  5. crosscrucifix

    crosscrucifix New Member

    I have tried the samer problem and I seriously dont know what to do Dx
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    ysmenu already dome for original R4 cards

  7. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Ysmenu is the solution to this but it is been said already!
  8. skeeter

    skeeter New Member

    I am also having the same trouble. I have downloaded the ysmenu from the link and the game still has a black screen when trying to enter the second embassy. Has anyone found a fix?