Pretty sure I saw a topic like this somewhere but screwed if I can find it... Anyway... What is your absolute fave FMV sequence? Im going to make this really hard and say pick only one! and no 'all the FMVs in FFVII put together' does not count as one! lol Ive just finished FFVII: Crisis Core on PSP, and im going to have to say the final FMV of crisis core has taken it for me. Not only is the video perfect, its surprisingly high end for the PSP, I have to say I wasnt quite expecting something so pleasing. so pick away!
I hate myself for saying so, but when Sin attacks Zanarkand during the Blitzball game at the beginning of FFX. Stupid awesome cutscene.
Sephiroth removing the Jenova Angel in FFVII. That scene just touches me >_>
They're not called FMVs anymore I believe (new games are different). I really like the start FMV scene of FFVIII, when Seifer slashes out Squall's face, he needs a scar. Love that scene.