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Abridged series

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by hahahahaha, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Hello! Has anyone else here watched the [Anime] Abridged series?

    Naruto Abridged
    Yu Gi Oh Abridged
    Yu Gi Oh GX Abridged

    If not, I HIGHLY reccomend it. They take the anime and put their own words in.
    www.animeshippuuden.com has the episodes.

    Yugi: You just summoned 3 Blue eyes in 1 turn! Thats against the rules!
    Kaiba: Screw the rules I have money!

    Jaden and Yugi cheat all the time in this.

    Attention duelists! My hair loves Romulation!-If you watch Yu Gi Oh Abridged you will understand.
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    out of all the Abridged series, only Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series by Little Kuriboh is worth to watch because its the most professonally done (better then 4Kids).... the other work is too......... amature.


    Serenity: Hey Ash, the doctor told me that you have cancer.
    Ash: Whats a cancer? is that a new pokemon that cannot be capture in the Jotho Region?
    Serenity: No, its Cancer!

    Yami Yugi: My name is Yami
    Lex Luthor: WRONG!
    Text: lol 4Kids

    Bakura: Are you nervous? Is it because of my accent? Let me tell you how i got it, one night my father went alittle crazyer then usual, my mom defend herself with a tea pot, then my father pour boiling hot tea on my mother and he walk up to me with the tea pot asking me "Why so british?"
  3. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Bakura: Im here to kick butt and drink cups of tea but im all out of tea!

    Tea: Dont talk about friendship, Dont talk about friendship, DONTYOUTHINKFRIENDSHIPISTHEGREATESTTHING!

    Yami: You know the flaw in your evil plan Pegasus?...you based it on a bloody childrens card game!

    Jaden: I activate trancendant wings! By activating this I win the game!
    Chazz: NO! Where did you get a card so powerfull?
    Everyone else:....wtf?!
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Anubis: Behold the future!
    *Yu-Gi-Oh GX opening*
    Yugi: Lets kick his ass so that crap never be created

    Mai: My breast are not fake
    Everyone: R...I...G...H...T.......

    Duke Devlin: Can we be friends?
    Yami: Sure, as long as you stop that annoying background music!
    Duke Devlin: What background music?

    Tristan: My voice give me super strength!

    Isis Ishtar: I sence an evil persent close by , sicne i dont want to get involve with the plot, i'm going to hide.
  5. Akion

    Akion New Member

    If you enjoy the Yu-gi-oh: the Abridged series I highly recommend the DBZ Abridged series. It's a big collab of all the Abridged writers and VA's (LK has a part also Just to sate the rabid YGO: TAS fans out there.)

    Right now there stuff's all up on youtube just do a quick search; It's under the account name "Team fourstar". Have a look. The voice acting and editing is amazing and the humor works really, really well if your used to the english dub.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i just watch 2 episode of the Dragonball Z TAB, its not that good.....

    anyway I didnt know Little Kuriboh is doing Naruto TAS lol the one who did Hinata's voice is really cute....
  7. jazzasidari

    jazzasidari Well-Known Member

    Yugioh the abriged series is the best
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    agree, since Yu-Gi-Oh TAS starter the whole abriged fads, too bad other just dont have the skill to get it done correctly.
  9. Cactusman2028

    Cactusman2028 New Member

    Ive watched all YGOTAS and NTAS and DBZTAS and all those other ones and have loved them, and now I have stumbled upon Pokemon the abridged series. There are several crappy ones, but there is one good series by a guy called "Master WGS".

    Ash: Pokemons? Is that really the pluralised form of Pokemon? I always just assumed it was still Pokemon.

    Ash: But I don't believe in evolution?
    Pokedex: Metapod. The evolved form of caterpie. It can no longer attack. What an improvement. Right.

    Pokedex:Bulbasaur. This Pokemon is actually more plant than animal because of it's lack of a functioning brain.
    Ash: Oh man! Just like me!

    But I still like ygotas best :p
  10. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Haha, someone made a Pokemon Diamon/Pearl abridged. Dawn's mother is seriously irritating.

    Dawn: Oh my god! A pokemon who can speak english!
    Ash: Im not a pokemon, but i can speak pokemon.
    Pika pika chu.
    Pikachu: Pika pika(WTF)

    Cant type too much. Got wankers cramp(Bakura)
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've been watching the Yu-gi-oh Abridged from Little Kuriboh, hilarious.

    One I liked (33):

    Tristan: Hey look, it's some random stranger we've never met before.
    Joey: Excuse me pal, but have you seen any minor characters from Season 1 around here?
    Bakura: Actually guys, it's me Bakura. I was a minor character from Season 1, remember?
    Joey: Sorry pal, doesn't ring a bell. Wait, were you one of the Paradox brothers?
    Tristan: Maybe it's Yugi's grandpa!
    Solomon: I'm standing right over here!
    Tristan: It's still possible.
  12. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    I cant stop thinking about wankers cramp.
  13. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Hey Bleach Abridged came out. Episode 1 is great, so funny, but the rest are not worth watching.
  14. Pan_chan

    Pan_chan New Member

    Ooh, I remember watching the majority of the Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series. -Nods.- It's quite funny, though some of it is just plain stupid.
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Little Kuriboh is doing a voice for solomon in some Fansub project of Yu-Gi-Oh. i watch the 1st episode and it is very professonally done, if you are intrested try it -> Episode 1

    BTW its not an abridge series rather then redo what 4kids have destroyed.
  16. ulikepie

    ulikepie Well-Known Member

    I only watched Naruto abridged
    I wonder what the others are like?
  17. grondylion

    grondylion Well-Known Member

  18. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    The three god cards...

    Obelisk the Tormentor,
    Slifer the Executive Producer,