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About the EMO term debate...

Discussion in 'Debates' started by mds64, Apr 9, 2009.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sorry if this offends anyone, truly, but I am as you say, emo...

    (note that you are allowed to ignore most of my rant-it's there so you get an idea how an emo might feel-I really want to hear your opinions on the word and what it means to you or others-hell join in!)

    Now here is something-emo is not JUST the way you dress, or how you punish your self (a sterio typical belief), it's the thoughts...some may call it an anger issue, other's say they are troubles makers...

    However, for some strange reason, many other simerlar types of people get mixed up-goths-depressed people trying to look tough (I've seen them before, poor souls)...

    I stand up for these sort of people-and against when they are hurting themselves-deep down no matter how many people give you the impression of hate, everyone cares...but for them it is very difficult to believe

    Now your wondering, why do I call myself emo-simple-I took life alot harder than other's (emo really mean EMOtional if you haven't guessed), I played games more than other kids, I went from a fan of abba to a fan of korn and fear factory!

    Many people have told me to snap out of it and be happy with life, but many of them have turned thier backs on me, simple because I am who I am, sure I can give up the games and calm my self down, but the rest I can't really change (my choices, belief's), one day I might, when I'm older and wiser...

    Many emo people take to those fashion ques because to them-it looks cool-or because it makes them stand out of the crowd, as to say, look at me, I'm not hiding anymore...

    Some are faking it-fashion wise and the way they act-to get attention-it's all they want-but don't ignore-that makes things worse...

    Deep down some of them will never try stuff like this, and end up as the sterio typical type that many fools make fun off...I once did when I was happy-oblivios to the pain that other's caused to me and what I've done to other's(many years ago I thought I was the master of everything-hence Masterds64-)-and to what I've done to them...

    I have met all sorts of people in my many years-even a true NO JOKE goth-a nice person really just imposing with the fashion she chose...

    Now I wish to mearly find your views on the word, EMO, and if what I said to you meant anything (yes I know it's confusing but that's the way I think if I'm not talking about games you see :) )
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    this statement made me laugh so hard it just proves emos are stupid and attention seeking

    the reason people turn their backs on you is i'm guessing just like it happens to everyone else is that they get fed up of trying to help and give up
    and that's the point you said "can't" and do you know what you can and in time you will and you will grow up look back on your self and think

    "ah shit i was such a twat and i should of listened to them cause i've now learned it the hard way"

    if your choices and beliefs make you unhappy then change them its as simple as that it may be hard but life is hard and its just as hard for everyone even those people that you think life comes easy too its still just as hard for them its just they don't moan about it and just move on from their troubles.

    the thing that gets me about emo's is that they think they are unique or that no one has ever faced the hardship they face but if they could pull their heads out of their asses for one second they might see that its not that bad at all and if they smiled and tried at life a bit harder it would come easier to them just like it seems to with the rest of the word.

    just a tip for you

    your not special, your no more emotional then anyone else, people do care about you your just choosing to ignore them, what your felling is nothing new talk to someone it helps, life is hard for everyone so get over it, make positive choices, change your opinion try to look at the world without a screwed up perspective.

    sorry that i rant but i get pissed off at any culture or people that don't help them selves cause i actually live with real mental health problems and it drives me crazy that they even have the audacity to think that their problems are even significant when i guarantee you nearly all can be fixed by very little effort at all most of wich is talking it out and then actually taking the advice they get or just simple TRYING.
  3. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    harder than other's (emo really mean EMOtional if you haven't guessed)

    Stopped reading here. Incorrect. Sorry. Emo stands for emotive hardcore, a type of music. Where a style came along and, much later and incorrectly the connotation of depression came along is beyond me, but it's stupid.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I forgot the mention the distraught part to that line, but I see...

    I hear different "origins" of the term, one was about the "surf" people..weird...

    Um, err...looks like my inner circle of information wasn't correct, what I did say was my theory, looks like I ended up wasting space...
  5. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    you're damn right you're wasting space :D

    Emo's a fad...as with other fads, it fades and dies a painful death. And lay off the estrogen, people with testosterone should never have any emotions other than RAGE! :D Testosterone over-drive! :D
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    well see your problem is that most people on this forum are fairly mature in attitude so to the most of us the emo ethos is immature and retarded so to post about emo stuff you will only end up with people flaming you.
  7. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Wow, this is a very anti-emo forum. >.< I'm not going to lie, as a pride driven testosterone drivven man, I have cried in the past month (like a bioch). I don't remember any time before that, but in the last month... you know.

    Anyway, I think that helped his argument... somehow...
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no and its nothing to do with crying i cry when something gets to me its that emos think its the end of the world and play on their problems when they just need to get on with it and stop winging
  9. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    Crying doesn't make you emo, it just means that you are human, and have been brainwashed by women to get in touch with your "feelings" :D

    and i agre with equitypetey, it's not the end of the world when your friends turn their backs on you or when your mom mistakes your R4 for a SD card. i'm anti emo because of the bad influence it has on the younger generation. it's not something to be proud of when parents see their kids seething because santa didn't bring em what they want for christmas. and what's with the whole emo fashion? wear some color for god's sake, if you're gonna be depressed at least wear something decent when you decide to end your life.

    don't u find it funny that emos gets all depressed and sick of living, but none of them got the heart or balls to just END it? Nuff said
  10. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Condoning suicide is bad. Unless you've ever looked up one of those websites that teaches you how to kill yourself painlessly. If you don't know by now, you need to look it up and get it over with (I kid. No suicide please!)

    Anyway, the style isn't the debate here, or rather it shouldn't be. Personally, I like the color black a lot (preferably brown, though. My eyes are brown, my hair is brown, my shoes/fav shirt/ bla bla bla) but just because I like the style dosen't make me emo. And damn some of them have COOL hair!
  11. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I am all for emo's. I will avoid the semantics on what an emo is or is not or indeed where the term originated. For me an emo is someone who is fragile.

    Fragility as a human can only exist due to strength, the fragile human is a leech on the power of others and because of that gains space outside the human condition. Given natural selection such fragile people would be culled, but natural selection only kicks in when a species needs to, or is forced to adapt. It would seem us humans can afford a few emos more than we can afford a few starving children in Africa, Asia or closer to home. Why?

    I doubt very much if faced with starvation the average person would cling to pre-concived ideas or indeed any emotional doubts. I also doubt that the strong in society would fair much better than the emo's under such circumstance. May I suggest that the society that can tolerate emo's is a strong society. and that emo's have always existed within strong society.

    The fragile character has much to offer a society that can afford such indulgence. Fragility points out where we are weak and where attack may come from. It also allows us to understand less privalaged people(even though the average emo is very privalaged). Emo's give resonance and meaning to when we have our doubts and also offer excellent commment on those who are strong.

    Look at someone like Andy Warhol, a very fragile person, you may not like his pop art but he did surround himself with very strong people, and he did create the velvet underground. Yes Mr Warhol may have been exceptional or simply in the right place at the right time. Yet we always knew that to shun such people as Warhol does us no good.

    Fragile people, on the surface, do seem usless, and most of them are. The best of them are our dreamers, our poets and our best defence when our social problems confront us, because they confronted those problems long before we even thought of them. I pitty the society that omits the dreamer, the fool, the emo.
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CjjC7B6v8Y <--- Watch.

    Emos are attention whorey pussies. 'Nuff said. If they can't man up and get a life, then they deserve to die. Complaining about it won't solve anything. People will just hate you more. The actions of emo people are counterproductive. See below.

    Step 1: Complain about how life sucks.
    Step 2: Everyone hates you now.
    Step 3: Life sucks. Go to step 1.


    Step 1: Life sucks, grow a pair and shut the fuck up.
    Step 2: Life rocks.
  13. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    Funny video...that basically sums up what I think about emos. Those emos have no right to complain about shit, they're not the one starving in Africa or getting bombed like the people in Iraq,Pakistan or Afghanistan.
  14. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Emos would be fine in my books if they actually cared about other people. Oh wait...
  15. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Fragile people... well.... it's not the emo. The emo isn't fragile, it's horrible misguidance.

    @ Born2killx: My motto in life is "Life sucks" (followed with my girlfriend saying in an ironically cute way "...and then you die")
  16. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member

    yeah. they may have just raise rumors about emo people just to raise their social ladder & even if you tell them emo means emotional they still keep using emo because its popular, the thing is they're just a bunch of demented assholes & jerks opportunist and some are just bored they do it for fun.
  17. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    people just misuse that word and some people.... just.... as soon as you hear emo "gay" comes to the mind
    i could say that cause i have experiences..... of that
    but emo was derived from the word EMOtional
    the only reason they complain about life is because what happens to them can't you see?? why would they do that? they are just like anyone of you, jsut weaker... so dont be discriminating
  18. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I find people who do not have issues with modern life and living to be far more disturbing than any emo. If everybody went through life without complaint or the realisation that things are a bit crap then we would still all be hunter gatherers. Emo's are no great burden to society, you may dislike them or not want to hang around with them, so don't.

    I have found those emo's I know are at times irritating and selfish but they also tend to be trustworthy and genuinely good people at heart. Like in any other social group some of them are parasites but I suspect they are a minority. I would rather be locked in a room for 12 hours with an emo than a hipster, at least emo's don't feel the need to inject pseudo-intellectualism into every 2nd sentence.
  19. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    :D thank you very much
  20. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Dumb question: When does one become one?

    I mean like, when do we consider a person to be such a person?
    When kids have a "bad" habit we dont say "Thats the way they are", we usually smack it out of them. Adults tend to be different saying that they have special problems.

    So..when do we say that "thats just the way he/she is"?
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