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About Fansubs

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by ClydeOne, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Are fan subs exact translations of the anime that they use them for?
    I'd really like to know to make myself feel better about something. ???
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Most fansubs are direct translations whilst others employ localization of certain Japanese words or phrases that pertain strictly to the culture.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not usually completely direct. Like for example Dattebayo have the words 'dick' or 'shit or 'fuck' or similar in their fansubs. Although I'm sure that's not what they actually say. Maybe dick would have been wanted as 'peepee' or something.
  4. serjoitz

    serjoitz New Member

    Each fansub group decides it's own style. usually the groups with the most authentic translation gets the higher support and respect...
    If you're trying to use English fansubs and translate it to your local language, then I suggest you to check the backgrounds and the reviews of the episodes on AniDB or MyAnimeList to see which is better for you to use. I would also suggest you to get someone who learns Japanese as a hobby, and ask him to do some translation quality check... any level of knowledge would help, I think...
  5. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    As is the case with translating anything from one language to another, there is bound to be some sort of mistranslation and the work will never be 100% fully translated. Some of the meaning will have been lost. Think broken telephone and you have the general idea. It's not perfect but I'm sure it's pretty damn close so you kind of get the general idea of what they are saying. Like Cahos said, some cultural references cannot be translated and many languages have words that don't have direct English translations, as I'm sure Japanese does. As Anand said, some words can be translated in different ways and fan sub translators try to alter the meaning so that it stays as true as possible to the original translation and so that it can be understood and make sense.
  6. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    I have a Hellsing DVD here. I'm not sure if fans did the translations to English or what, because they suck. It's like they tried translating it word for word from the Japanese voice actors, and it doesn't usually work that way. Just like with Spanish, if you translate word for word your sentence would not make sense. I tried making sense out of it which ends with me holding my head and wondering if those guys were high at the time they made the DVD.
    Oh, and before I forget, I believe they re-released the Hellsing series as Hellsing Ultimate, right? If any of you have seen the previous release, tell me: Are the English subtitle translations better in Hellsing Ultimate?