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about DREAMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by XD9999, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Can dreams be manipulated?
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Strange topic, but I have a strange answer.... yes.

    Before I begin with a huge wall of text, you might realise that I might be an insane person after reading through here. So if you don't want to ruin your respects for me then I suggest you skip this post altogether. But if you're an open minded person, then read on.

    It actually depends on several factors but I am able to "control" what happens in my dreams both consciously or un-consciously.

    Say what!? You might react to what I said above, but let me explain, rather let me put it into words I can describe.

    Ever since I was little I have "strange powers" of sorts in my dreams. Unlike what most people tell us, Psychiatrists, psychologists mostly, who say that we only dream in black & white or we don't "feel" anything in our dreams, I dream in full colour! A friend of mine told me that "maybe" I dream in colour because in the "real awakened" world I have some vision impairment, this he said was my mind "comforting" me in my dreams.

    Also some Psychiatrists & Psychologists say that inside dreams our cognitive functions don't work exactly as it should, so reality can be distorted. An example of this, they say, is the inability to read things in our dream. Say you dreamt you were reading a book, they say you can't remember what you were reading in your dream because the book in your dream is either having blank pages or the "text" is garbled or non-sensical. To be honest, before I read that I remember being actually able to remember things I read in my dreams, no kidding.

    Some other things I find weird in my dreams are:

    A distorted map, which correlates to actual places I know, except distances & actual locations are wrong. Say in the real world to get to Uni from my home, it takes two to three rides to get there, in my dream world I just walk like a few steps & I magically get there. Also, in my dream world, my old High School IS inside my Uni's compound, which is not & my classmates both in high-school, College & Grad studies are ALL THERE & they seem to know each other, which isn't true at all.

    There is also an area there I call the nightmare zone or the scary place. It's a weird area that seems to not correlate to any place I know of. It's a little worn out dusty road with lots os tall grasses & no lamp posts or lights what so ever, lined with eerie trees & a wrecked wooden fence that look like creepy crosses. There are also scary beasts there that always try to get me & there's either a building or village there where the inhabitants are either Cannibals or demons who take the form of humans who lure people there to eat. It's a place I "try to avoid" in my dreams, but some of my dreams strangely need to make me go there, like one time I dreamt me & my classmates were on a field trip & the bus in my dream took us there, alot of my classmates died there & I woke with such a fright.

    My other senses are also active in my dreams.

    Say I dreamt I was eating a luscious chocolate cake with strawberry based icing, in my dream I could actually taste the cake as if I were actually eating one. And when I wake, the tastes &/or smells still linger in my mouth &/or nose, no kidding, seriously! Touch is also active in my dreams, like this one time I dreamt somebody gave me a coin, when I woke my hands were still closed as when I recieved the coin in my dream & for a brief moment (until I fully awake), I swear I could still feel the coin actually in my hand, but ofcourse there is none.

    TV Channel surfing mode:

    Sometimes I can consciously (that is I perceive to be) &/or unconsciously can change what happens in my dreams, EXCEPT when I get to the scary place of which I really have no "power" & hope only to awaken from. This power to change what is happening takes the form of you as if watching TV & changing channels if you don't like what you're watching.

    Point of view travelling:

    This by far is the weirdest thing in my dreams. Say I dreamt I was talking with loony, as the dream proceeds I "see" myself talking to loony, then on random occassions I would be "inside" loony's mind & see myself talking in front of me as if I was loony talking to "me". This also occurs with multiple people in my dream, "my consciousness" would hop around everyone's "consciousness" randomly.

    The Matrix slo-mo moves:

    OK, before I explain this one I would like to say that I have been having this power in my dreams since I was very little, BEFORE The Matrix was ever been made. Basically there are sometimes where in my dreams I would go uber slo-mo like Neo dodging bullets or Agents' punches.

    And the last weird thing in my dream is when I dream inside a dream in my dream ???

    Basically, I would awaken from a dream only to awaken several moments later from another dream in which I was dreaming in my dream. It's like awaking several times in a row until I actually awaken.

    So there it is, call me insane, psycho, nut-case whatever you want, but all this shit is true :'(
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    it is said that you can control dream via a techinique call "reality check" combine with meditation before sleep, it is invole constant reminding yourself which is real and which is dream. it take month or even years to completly master it...

    and other way is (i forget what it is call), in invole deep meditation and picturing the thing you wanted to appear in your dream (a type of self hypnotizing) in your mind before sleep.
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    In my case I don't need meditating of any sort, as soon as I fall asleep all the things I said earlier happens.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    good for you then, we will need your power when Freddy appear.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I dream in colour and so does everyone else I know, and I am also fully lucid during dreams (i.e I can completely control them). I've dreamed of being asleep and dreaming on several occasions, and I've had real life influence my dreams (that how the fire alarm used to wake me up at school/university). On one occasion I have been woken from a dream by my IRL doorbell (the characters in the dream also reacted to it), then gone back to sleep and reentered the dream at the point I left.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens


    Strange though, as a kid of the 80's Nightmare on Elm Street never gave me nghtmares, but The Blob & The Stuff did, I couldn't sit on the toilet for a week because of those two movies :p

    @loony: I wonder why Psychiatrists &/or Psychologists keep on saying that the average person doesn't dream in colour?
  8. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    hahahahahahaha lmao

    Yeah I also dream in colour and am in semi-control of my dreams. My dreams often get influenced by what was happening to me and what I was thinking about. Like just last night I watched the movie Vaccancy and I dreamt that I was in a hotel and killers were stalking me, but I knew it was a dream so nothing happened. Strange, dreams are.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Returning to where my dream was cut off, that I could never do.

    So I guess this phenomena we've been experiencing isn't that weird after all, I mean some of us do have dreams like what we've been discussing, however fact remains, not a majority of people experiences dreams & dreaming.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That happens to me, however they are also influenced by what other things happened that I had seen that day or any day. My friend is in a wheelchair for nearly a year now, and I had a dream where he was walking and he was trying to kill me or something. I can sort of control them as well. I kind of have a full awareness about it.
  11. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Lucid dreams are awesome, you can go into a different world and do whatever you like. Alter things, move things, usually keeping them within the boundaries of my imagination or real world assumptions. I also dream in colour.

    Affecting dreams from the outside can happen, I think. Being asleep while a radio is on can make you dream about what's on the news or happening in a radio show. Also, having a cold is for me a good way of having the most epic dreams. Huge imaginated worlds, whole societies, large action scenes, it's like a hollywood movie you are part of, and sometimes can change.

    My all-time-favorite is flying around in a known neighbourhood/world. And practicing learning it is awesome. Just running, waving around a bit, and being able to liftoff is just so awesome. Most strange dream was probably being shot. That's really weird.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't do it intentionally, I was talking to one of the dream inhabitants, and when the entire dreamscape started flashing green (my doorbell at university was a green flashing light). I knew what it was, and wasn't particularly happy at being woken up, but the inhabitant I was talking to said 'Don't worry, we'll wait for you.' and I woke up. Seeing that it was 1:30AM I swore and rolled over, and fell asleep again, straight back into the dream.
  13. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Wow..cant believe I share similar experiences with dreams with other people. Especially the one where you dream of being in a dream. Or dreaming that your waking from your sleep. But how do you explain the de javu that you encounter in reality that seems very familiar with your dreams?. Can clairvoyance happen in dreams?
  14. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    That's something rare(who knows). Maybe I felt that experience once or twice, not sure though. About the deja vu thing, It's happened to me too often. You picture a scene for example you talking with your friends about a particular topic, and  the next thing you know, the exact same scene you've dreamed or imagined is playing right before your eyes. When that happened to me, I stopped talking and said to myself, "this is so weird."
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I once had a dream that actually came true. It was a project for school that we had to do & in the dream I failed the subject because of a poor project presentation. The next day, that is the next morning, in class we did get assigned that project I dreamt of & the hairs on the back of my neck were all raised & for a moment I was both shocked & frightened.

    With regards to De Javu-ic experiences, I usually get that feeling that I've relived an event that is currently happening several days or weeks ago & there are times when I go to unfamiliar places yet my gut instincts tell me that the place is vaguely familiar.
  16. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    I never had one dream where I can control what's going on. Everything just sweeps me away. I love dreams though, too bad they aren't real. But I can remember most of my dreams.

    Didn't someone invent some 'dream' machine where you put a picture of someone you want to dream of on this board thing. Then you sleep with this device under you and you apparently could dream of that person. That'd be disturbingly cool.
  17. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    last i checked i can't control my dreams, nor go back to where i ended off directly after. usually during the night i have no dreams, but they ALWAYS, and i mean like almost every day, come to me when i snooze for another 30 minutes after my first alarm... and it's always different and usually have nothing to do with my current life.
    instead my brain basically decides to "extract" (lack of better term) a bunch of memories from something i've interacted with YEARS ago (and usually forgotten by then), be it a moment in a game, some conversation, or one of my daydreams. then it tosses them all into a "blender", and produce a dream that uses a bit of everything taken, in a first-person-game style thing that is flipping bizarre and yet makes perfect sense...

    yea sounds a bit psycho but i'm not making this up :eek:
  18. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    am I abnormal seriously I can control my dream.

    I can change the scene the characters from being superman I become megaman. dude it's all controllable then I think it's true then my mother yells for over sleeping

    I thought everyone can do this?

    and I'm not making things up.
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Flying? Getting shot? Oh God, Freud would have a field day with your dreams. You can look it up for yourself in a transcript of one of his lectures on dream symbolism, but there's serious sexual symbology here.

    I'm still laughing. Jesus.
  20. Peach_is_Awesome

    Peach_is_Awesome Well-Known Member

    I have a t-shirt that relates to dreams....It says,

    "I live in my own little world. But it's okay....they know me here!"

    In all honesty, a dream *can* be manipulated. But I think it be manipulated because dreams are whole other worlds.
