well i just remember that i have a mango a week ago, so i just took it out from the refrigerator cut it and eat it last night, it was sweet, til i notice there is something moving on it.....when i take a closer look, it was tiny worms.....so i dont care and just finish the mango (since i already finish 2/3 of it) so the question is....where the hell does those worm came from?
so you are saying the mango is turning into tiny worms? btw i dont really care if they survive in my body.....its not my 1st time to eat a living worms.....
parasites cannot live everywhere they can only live with their hosts, without them parasites won't have anything to consume....................remember your biology
nah, I dont think he mean that literary.....i think he just mean you can find parasite everywhere, in food, water, meat...and so on..... but still i wonder how the hell they get into the mango.....
i know what the differ between them.....i just pointed it out that it doesnt matter to call them worm or larvae because they look the same....
not really imo worms are long slender and sleek while larvae have more grooves but whatever oh about your other question assuming that this week old fruit was out of the refrigirator for a week or had it been uncovered a fly would have been able to lay its eggs on the fruit meat so that the larvae/worms will hatch then eat it
the mango was un-cut while in the refrigerater, and i dont think it was possible for the egg to hatch for such short time....
i think you should check your other food, because most likely, there's more of these worm in the refrigerator.
I remember some video on the Yahoo Homepage where this guy takes out a couple boxes of like 13 year old Twinkies. They were hard as rocks, and he smashed them.