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A way to attract more meat onto the Forum

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    One of the reasons I see why the RomUlation Forum community is "closely knit" is because there are actually few fresh meat actively participating.

    Usually when new people go to the forum, they do one of three things:

    1 Make an introduction, which is by the rules' standards are mediocre 'cause a lot of them are 1 liners, which are against the rules

    2 Ask for ROMs

    3 Ask for emulation or game guide related assistance

    To make people get a little interested, I've even posted topics like discussing fashion or which saection/s in the forum are interesting, but sad to say most of the people who post are regulars, no fresh meat :(

    So I was thinking, why not add something to the download section, like a message that reads, "Now that you've got your Download why not go visit the forum & share your comments" followed by a direct link to the main page of the forum, just like what you did with voting.

    I know I may sound like I want to pressure people into going to the forum, but how else can we get the forum community to blossom?

    Do we have to have another ESA disaster for the record of most people to ever visit the site to be topped??
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Stop referring to new members as "meat" :p Makes me hungry.

    That would be a pretty good idea, something like that would be awesome. Also, maybe some other links to other things as well? Such as the Trading Station and have a comment "has user uploads such as PSP ISOs " etc. That would bring some people in. Also maybe the cough*nds movies*cough thread.

  3. flashx_454

    flashx_454 Well-Known Member

    how about free porn :eek: to new membersLOL ::) Ha Ha
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That wouldn't help in the least, 99.9% of all people would ignore that message. We do have a plan for getting more activity on the forum (though 200-400 posts a day really isn't that bad) but it's a long-term plan and we have some other things we want to get done first.
  5. DonCreek

    DonCreek Well-Known Member

    why dont we have a incentives ??? just like :

    "free (whatever amount of) points per 3000 gazilion or something posts"...

    ...that would attract most users...
    and put it before selecting in what download section yo
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Would encourage spam more than anything, we're not interested in people posting because they can gain anything material from it but rather because of our content. Giving points for posting would surely amplify the current problem of posts lacking a decent quality.
  7. DonCreek

    DonCreek Well-Known Member

    well it would be a bad...totally bad start for that,but on a long run it will build up interests to the members on posting in the forum...but hey everything starts from the worst...

    and thats when the moderators starts to enter the scene... ;)
  8. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    Maybe some sort of competition could be held within the forum where the rewards are points for their account, perhaps something really subjective like "what's the funniest related scenario you've ever had" and whoever the admin thinks has the funniest story would get points? Although I could see how this could possibly turn into a lot of work, but if it's something based on personal experiences it could get them to open up and possibly a little more comfortable here.
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We have an Event Manager (Winterreise) in charge of forum events, and so far he's made 2 competitions, so I wouldn't be surprised if he would make more in the future.
  10. DonCreek

    DonCreek Well-Known Member

    Maybe if we give more competition than ever, it will pull the attentions of all the members + (leechers) in the forum... ;)
  11. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Most respectable "fresh meat" would know how to find it for themselves :p
    Anyways, it's a good idea to draw in some new members; but let's make sure we don't attract the wrong kind. Let's keep the recruitment subtle but effective.
  12. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. The forums that give points for posting have so much spam around the forums... it's crazy.
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    yeah members posting for points duh!!! its so gay
  14. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    why not make a "post first before you download policy" ?
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Because most people would come in and say hello, then never post again anyways. We already have enough people who do that when its not required.

    It also falls under that "it would encourage spam" category as well.
  16. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    but then if they see how friendly the forum is then they might be encouraged to post as well
  17. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Alternatively, they could post something along the lines of "Which retard came up with the idea that you had to post once in order to use the downloads section?" or such classics like "Hi, I make this topic sence I had 2 post something 2 get 2 teh RUMs."

    Another thing to consider is the fact that we have roughly 200,000 members and a huge majority of them never posted once. I can't say I'd be too fond of having to clean up the mess from what's more than likely going to be people saying "posted this so I could download stuff"

    While it might get some people, its ultimately not worth the garbage we'd likely get out of it as well IMO.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    lol ;D
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It's spelt reitard, n00b :p
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Alas reitard has now been officially coined, lol! ;D