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a third party fails on nintendo, nintendo and it's customers gets blamed. why?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    have you noticed that when a third party have supported nintendo and they fail, they blame nintendo and/or those who bought a wii [the customers]. but when a third party fail on a sony/microsoft console, the third party neither blames microsoft/sony and/or the customers. why is this such a situation for one company but not the other?

    okami fails on the ps2 and capcom didn't blame sony or ps2 customers.
    resident evil umbrella chronicles 2 fails on the wii and they blame nintendo and their customers.

    dead space extraction fails on the wii, nintendo and the wii customers are blamed for.
    dead space got poor sales on the ps3/360 and neither sony/microsoft and the hardcore gamers are blamed for it.
  2. namklaw7

    namklaw7 Well-Known Member

    It's because "crap party/casual games" and "Nintendo's game's" sell well on the wii, (casual n00bs and regular gamers buy those games.) and "hardcore/mature" games do not. (half the regular gamers buy it, the other half download it off the net... casual n00bs don't buy it.) Gamers wanted more hardcore/mature games and they finally got them, only thing is... it's too late now. The internet has spread the mod tutorials around the world.
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    People see Nintendo as "knowing better" when it comes to the very fickle video game market. Sony and Microsoft were not known as true video game pioneers, in the sense that they brought into a market that Nintendo had a claim in making a household name for. People, such as myself that grew up with the big N, know that folks at Nintendo are by no means dumb. They are extremely calculating, but even with all the analytical skills in the world, companies still find new creative ways to shovel dirt our way and tell us it's just crushed up Oreo topping.. ::)
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Who exactly is doing this "blaming"?
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    One could blame Nintendo for allowing this onslaught of shovelware taking up shelve space versus something like Dead Space or RE or any other good Wii game. Go into any video game store and you'll see double facings of Family Feud. Nintendo used to be harsh on letting a game be released for their console. Not anymore. Sony nor Microsoft never did prevent a game from coming out, Nintendo has though.

    That and 70% of the Wii's target market doesn't know which games are the best, versus what's a minigame collection. All they go through is the back of the box of the game. They don't check review sites, they don't do that sort of thing.

    Also Dead Space sold a lot better than Extraction for the Wii, I mean, 9000 copies the first month? That's abysmal.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there was just as much crap on the ps2 and i didn't hear any company ridicule those who own a ps2 console nor sony for allowing such crap to be on their console. but this generation nintendo is being pointed at as well as the people who own a wii. why is that?

    okami, resident evil dead aim, resident evil outbreak 1, resident evil outbreak 2 didn't sell that well on the ps2. capcom nor any other third party company have blamed the ps2 consumers nor did third party companies blamed sony for marketing this and that. but on the wii, we have the total opposite. why is there this difference?

    the poor sales of dead space extraction made sega reconsider the move of making mature games for the wii as well as other companies. how come companies didn't do the same thing when games on the ps2 failed? there are games on the 360/ps3 that don't sell well and they are still making games for them. yet when it occurs on a nintendo console, it's an opposite effect. why is that?

    if the ps2 was considered for bringing in casuals into the market, then why is the wii often ridiculed for having casual gamers while the ps2 isn't ridiculed for casual gamers?
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The reason why every one calls out the Wii on it's shovel ware versus the PS2 is because the percentage of shovel ware on the Wii is higher than the PS2's shovel ware. This maybe done by a user and was last year but it still holds true.

    The difference is that mature games like GTA actually sold on the PS2. Versus on the Wii, any game that's not done by Nintendo or isn't imaginez, or some game show name, doesn't sell well. Dead Space Extraction is a huge huge example of this. 9000 games sold in a month is one of the worst.

    By the way, the right way to do it is this Sega to Abandon Mature Wii Audience(?) (You know provide a source).

    And generally M rated games don't sell on the Wii, look at No More Heroes, Dead Space, Resident Evil.

    The PS2 was a great ass system because it had the AAA games to back it up with, with not as much of a shovel ware ratio. The Wii is overshadowed by it's shovelware.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's sad isn't it?

    You know those "seal of quality" you see on the boxes?

    Those were made years ago to say which games you should bother with...now it's just to say it's allowed to work with the system-nothing to do with the "quality".

    Sure that crap sells but...nintendo are catering for the casuals...they need at least 2 more titles a year for us hardcores :(
  9. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Well, nintendo Nintendont doesn't care, and as long as nintendo keeps making money they wont care, but there still throwing in zelda metroid just to keep some loyal fans Err I mean fanboys around.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    I have a Wii and I'll definitely be buying Metroid, Zelda and Mario.
  11. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    well i have a Wii and as long i can recall i have bought all those games, but i will say the lack of selling of the mature audience games on this platform it's because the Wii had become into the ultimate family console, so the people are not accostumed to buy this kind of bloody and gorish games. and this is really bad because much people like me are the ones you would call a "hardcore" gamer and we want more games of this kind to the console, but at this point is really unlikely that sega or capcom, or whatever third party developer will keep making this kinds of games. and that makes me fell bad because i can't do anything for it just pray.
  12. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I'd get a Wii, but I like quality, so ill stick with a 360/ps3 instead.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    if you forgotten, resident evil 4 wii have sold over a million on the wii. what is even great about the story of resident evil 4 wii is that it's a last generation game and it has done better then what capcom has offered yet. so clearly it isn't about the audience because the mature content of resident evil 4 wii proves it isn't the audience. resident evil 4 wii is proof that it isn't the lack of mature audience.

    nintendo's games have to sell because they have to sell the hardware. there is no point in selling hardware if you can't sell the software for the hardware. nintendo's games will always be better then the third party because nintendo has to sell hardware. nintendo as a hardware company will always make the better games because they have to in order to sell the hardware. in such a case, it then creates a need for other titles from other companies to substitute the void. nintendo releases new super mario and it causes people to buy the wii. they buy the wii, play new super mario and finish the game. then what, the wii owner needs to wait for the next nintendo made game?! no, this is where third party comes in to the picture, to fill in the void where other titles may interest them. but if third party companies aren't filling in these voids, then isn't that the problem of third party for failing to understand the needs and wants of the consumer and not nintendo's.

    it then comes to the point, why are there more third party support for the ps2 then the wii?
    both sega, capcom, and ea [as well as others] have made games for the 360/ps3 and they didn't do that well but they're still getting full blown support. yet on the wii it's like, one or two titles don't do well and they pull the plug. yet on the ps3/360, they have multiple titles not doing so well they are still giving full blown support. why is there this discretion between the wii and 360/ps3 development?

    capcom made games on the ps2 that didn't do so well consecutively and they still give support. but on the wii you have 1-2 titles that didn't do so well they pull the plug. what is the difference giving support, failing and still offering support on the ps2 as compared to the wii? it isn't the audience as the resident evil 4 wii sales prove that. so what gives?

    nintendo released a 2d mario in 2009 and it's selling. how come sega, once a very competitve console company against nintendo, aren't going to do the same move that nintendo has done with new super mario and create a new 2d sonic game like the original sonic. if nintendo is able to attract people with 2d super mario, then sega should be able to do so. but sega is hesitant about it. why? i'm sure a lot of people on this forum as well as other forums do agree that sega should make a 2d no gimmick sonic game. but they do not, why? instead they complain about the wii, why?
  14. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Resident Evil 4 wii-make was released very early in the wii's life cycle and thats when the Mature audience like my older brother still owned the system and had respect for it. Also, there was no where near as much shovelware as there is now for the system.

    The wii has waaaay to much crap on it and people like variety, and ps2 had that, but wii... has to much mini-games built around the waggle and not enough variety.

    How many RPG's? how many Shooters? how many Fighting games?
    Lets not forget 2009 just yet, nintendo made only one Real game...
    New Super mario bros wii and Wiisports resort is more of a tech demo then a real game.

    while ps2 had variety and lots games that showed that it did.
  15. namklaw7

    namklaw7 Well-Known Member

    Resident Evil: Wii Edition only sold well because the mod tutorials weren't all over the web yet. If wiis weren't so easily modded, games like dead space extraction and darkside chronicles would sell fantastically. It's one of the main reasons that no more heroes 2 might be going to be multi-platform.
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there are so much youtube wii hack videos and the likes on the internet, yet a game like new super mario brothers wii is still being bought. i don't understand. even worse is that mario kart wii and smash brothers wii are still selling, a 2008 release game and remember the massive amount of youtube video hacks for the wii. so clearly it isn't about the lack of mods and hacks that were on the wii.

    simply put, darkside chronicles and dead space extraction were crap games. no one is buying it because it's bad.
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Casual gamers won't do that though. That's why they're still selling.

    wat. n wat.

    We already discussed how sales =/= quality in the console debate.
  18. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Dude! Resident evil and Deadspace are fantastic games! and there are many reasons why people are not buying thoes games along with no more heroes and madworld.

    one of Thoes is that the wii has a family image and isn't considered as hardcore gaming machine.

    Wii fit anyone?
  19. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    Darkside Chronicles and Dead Space: Extraction (and House of the Dead: Overkill, if you wanna throw that in) failed not because of the community, or the Wii, they failed because they are rail shooters, and rail shooters have been dead for over 10 years. Heck, I remember how people panned the original Panzer Dragoon on the Saturn for being a rail shooter, and that was like 15 years ago. The joke's on CAPCOM/Visceral/SEGA.
  20. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Yet games like manhunt, madwolrd, and no more heroes don't sell anywhere as close as games like wii fit plus and wiiports resort.