Hey, I didn't know where to put this, and if there was already a sort of topic like this (Couldn't find it) Soooo, I got a Suggestion. Can't we get a rom translating topic? So, a topic where people can ask if someone will make a translation of a game? Like gbatemp, but I don't think there are really looking at it and doing translations..... I'm just asking, because I've found a lot of nice games i wanted to play, but: Japanese, and I don't even speak a single word of Japanese so it's no fun for me to play the game So, if this was an unnecessary topic, you can just lock it or delete it
Wrong section. There is a child board to "Suggestions". I repoted this to the mods so they can move this to the correct section You can do it in the Gaming Lounge and wherenot, so...
No, that's false. Look at the "Kazowar's Pokemon Translation Project" board. Seph or Loony can make a board for your project, if it is a great game and everyone wants a translated version.
If people already have a translation going with visual progress then they can contact us for file hosting or a discussion area. But a thread where people can request translations is just going to be ignored, it takes months to translate something fully so you need to have a game you're really passionate about.
There are (or were, at least) several translation projects on GBATemp. Last I checked, they also had a master thread listing all projects.
But GBATemp isn't RomUlation. By the way, that master topic isn't needed, because all boards are in order. Example: Project request Project Project Project Project So, when looking at the boards you have an list of all projects
And? I don't even know what you're trying to say. GBATemp's translation projects are scattered all over the place; they don't each have their own board.
He was saying it wouldn't be needed on RomUlation, stop being slow tehuber. But yeah RomUlation isn't GBATemp, I doubt this would do anything more than lie dead for a long time, we need a whole different type of user before we can do something like this.
The entirety of my first post in this thread was implying that it wouldn't be needed on RomU because it's already on GBATemp. Obviously I don't need to be told that the two are separate entities.
no, because its a lot of work theres very few people with the skill or motivation to do it and they're not likely to want to take requests, especially when the requester is likely to keep bugging them about progress.
u no.. i would think u would quit this post and move on and anyway i was lookin 4 the same thing but instead of *pointing at myself * maybe just say ME