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a spoonyer bard than thou

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by thespoonybard, Sep 1, 2007.

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  1. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    hia. guess i should have made my first post here.

    oh well. not like ninjas are gunna kill me in my sleep for it, right?


    i mean.......right?

    my name, if you haven't already guessed, is from the final fantasy series, the scene in ff4 (i think it was 4 anyway) where tehlla calls edward a spoony bard and then promptly nukes him with a meteor spell. i always thought that scene was funny for some reason.

    my intrests are mostly nerdy things so if you concider yourself a non-geek, its probably best to stop reading and move on with your day. go on. shoo!!
    i love to play d&d but haven't had much of a chance for it lately. my poor neglected dice hate me so. also high on my intrest list is anime. i have seen some anime related stuffs on the forms here, and that makes spoony happy. one of my few sports intrests is boxing. i love boxing. i even partake in the sweet science. though more often than not, i get my ass handed to me.

    thats relay all that i can think of to post here.

    ta, then i guess.
  2. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    i always enjoy a good one.

    but i don't think ill be flying out to Canada to embarrass myself internationally.


    my last 4 sparring match's have been bad man.

    i need to get a personal trainer and hit up a real gym is what i need to do.

    so what weight class are ya considered?

    I'm a lightweight myself. not too much power but at least Ive got speed.

    and in the words of Alexander the great: "speed is everything" ;D

    ....anyway i think it was Alexander.
  3. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

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