So, I was watching "Ghost in the Shell" the other night and a certain scene got me thinking. There was one point where one of the gents mentioned to one of the ladies "hey, why don't you get a male fully prosthetic body? You got more muscle!" or something along the lines of that, because in the Ghost in the Shell universe, such a thing as fully prosthetic bodies exist, the only human element being the brain. So, what if this was possible. What if a guy decided "I wanna be a chick" and had their brain put into the body of a woman. Would you, as a straight/gay male have sex with this person? I say straight/gay because it poses a different question for either orientation. You're a straight male, and here's basically a man but inside a woman's body- literally. Not the tomboy or the "one of the guys" girl, a real guy in the body of a "real" woman. So this would be a pure physical thing. Now, if you're a gay male, here's the mind of a guy, personality and everything, but it's the body of a woman. Would you be alright with that? I was thinking of this too because a lot of guys I know seem to wish they were with a girl that was more "like a guy", the type that they can hang out with and do mature manly things like belch, fart, and play beer pong. Most gay guys I know seem to boil their preference down to a physical thing. It doesn't matter if they like the personality of a woman, they'd rather be with a guy.
As an old fag and now vanilla, I would have to care more for the mind. So I guess if a good brain would be in a good body, where could I go wrong?
I dont remember what the body replication concept was in ghost in the shell, but if we're speaking real physical bodies then the math should be pretty complicated. I'd say as soon as your new glands start pumping the appropriate hormones, you will become attracted to the opposite gender, whatever it may be.