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A miracle with DS Browser!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Lephantome92, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    My dad recently got a new router, which has WPA2 security, and a guest account. However, even though the guest account was listed as unlocked, it didn't hook up and work. I had said game with the old router, which didn't have WPA2, and just didn't get around to selling it yet. So today, I found out the guest pw, plugged it in for DS B, and now, even in non-DS B games, I can get wifi!! I haz a happy!!
  2. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    DS Browser can't use WPA2. That's why it didn't work.

    But why would you even use the DS Browser? You can't even do a quick google search with that thing.
  3. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    At the time I got it, it seemed like it would be pretty good. Also, at that time, we had a router with no wifi security, so it worked ok. ny dad gets the new router & I'm screwed. I looked at wifi settings and the blue unlocked padlock was beside home-guest. I tried but failed at the wifi setup to connect. when I tried DSB it asked for the guest pw. I put in the pw I found and now wifi works on my DS all the time.
    Also Im selling DSB tomorrow to get Pokemon white!!
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    DS Browser won't be worth much, if anything at all. It's not exactly a highly sought after thing.
  5. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Meh, I'm getting it off my hands. Plus, I have the WPA2 key for when I get mah 3DS!!