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a game that has become real. not joking either

Discussion in 'General News' started by xkoolguy90x, Apr 28, 2009.

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  1. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    theres a game my cousin told me about which you create a type of bacteria or virus or plague i think and you kill off every human on earth. games called pandemic 2.

    not sure if you all heard or not cause this is some freaky $%&! but about 150 people died in mexico and 2000 are infected with the swine flu. theres pretty much no containment going to be done since its pretty much too late. it has spread into america in multiple states such as NY, CA, TX, and more. i hear russia has it, hong kong, taiwan.

    since this place is for world news, i thought i could mention this. the news is very interesting in the past few days. this flu i believe kill off your respiratory system
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah, I even saw in the news several hours ago, that Jay Leno's absence in his show some days ago was because he might have contracted it from one of the audiences he shook hands with.

    But seriouly, I view this terrible outbreak in two opinions:

    1. This might have been brought on by a biological warfare development project that was kept under wraps that went wrong, hence the outbreak of a deadly virus. Pretty conspiracy theoristic & retarded but hey, you never know.

    2. This is again, another attempt of Mother Earth to eradicate the worst parasites ever infesting her, us. Pretty tree hugger, but again you never know.
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    what nation could it be?
  4. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    all i know is that my school has given notices about it out. this is the first time schools have been this worried.

    all i know is that containment is too late, theres no vaccine, it can be passed onto others by the most simplist things, and this might be the same thing that has happened in the movie "the happening" which is a great movie by the way. it definitly might be nature just spreading a virus around that will take time to spread to the brain and then paralyze you and then you will die.

    but getting back to reality, all i know is that people need to wash things more often. wash hands, avoid much contact, probably a good idea to wear a mask cause when people talk they spit also.

    EDIT: this also reminded me of 28 days later when the radio said salvation is here and there is a hope. the military are lieing to us. even americas president (notice how i didnt say "our" president) said that its a "concern" and not an "alarm" which its a pretty big bloody alarm. concern is when some small virus is spreading that 1 nyquil can just cure. when you have something that requiers quarentine, then your in a big state of alarm and you need to tell people that theres no panic... but you will ultimatly die a gruesome death by piglet from winnie the pooh (if only, if only lol)
  5. Atlnathics

    Atlnathics Active Member

    If its biological warfare, then really it shouldn't be that scary considering the people that come up with it should of or should be inventing a cure for it since they would want a way to stop it if it came into there environment. Or it could be someone with the mind of the joker who doesn't care about anything in which case we in trouble.

    But I'm glad I'm in the UK. Apparently were one of best prepared for any kind of virus/bacteria outbreak.
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Honestly, it's called a flu for a reason. It's contagious yes, but it's not dangerous if you get treatment. The people who have died have been poor Mexicans with no access to medicine.

    If you have internet then chances are you'll have access to medicine should you be unlucky enough to become infected.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it isnt biological warfare for gods sake, this is the same thing that wiped out a load of people several times over the past couple of centuries.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Or so you're politicians would like you to believe. :)
    But it's probably not far off, in Denmark we generally have vaccines for around 25% of the population in storage at all times. I believe for this swine flu it's currently at 20%.
  9. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    all i know is that theres no time for containment for the virus. now its stepped up to quarantine. you dont normally hear much about quarantine. thats because any virus that has been around can be cured right then and there. swine flu has mutated and become something that can make you infect others way before symptoms occur. so basically you mightve gotten so many people sick with it. you never know what the future will bring. you just might get the symtoms tomorrow bright and early in the morning.

    but thats just speaking. will that happen? who knows. have you gotten close to sneazing pople or have you gotten into any type of close contact and have you been clean? that all depends on you.
  10. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    swine flu is the cows fault ! They are destroying the earth.
  11. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    This theory amuses me, because RE4 is one of my favorite games and I'm disappointed no zombies are there.

    Anyways, this game is nothing like pandemic 2... the virus hasn't mutated yet, has it?
  12. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Actually the alert level of the virus is at level 4 which means contraction between human is at high risk, but can be controlled
    anyway here, worst case scenario is 3000 deaths and I think 120 000 infected, but that's only numbers
  13. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    deathbreak it actually has mutated. were in phase 4 which is high risk of human to human transmission, which is pretty much what crazytune said.

    im sure theres news each day about it. check your homepage each day. i have msn as my home page so i check the news on there.
  14. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I was talking to B2k over YM earlier, he said he had a friend who has the disease and he's coming back to school. he also said NYC isn't panicking.
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    wow over here, the government already putted team's to create a vaccine
    we never know they said
  16. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    What's the chance the 13 people affected in California will come to my city? So i'm no panic. I hope my friends in mexico don't get it,
  17. silong28

    silong28 Member

    that second one is probably true....i mean the human race is over populated
  18. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    It's like the cousin's of Anthrax and SARS!
  19. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    so... we're all gonna perish !
  20. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Obama gave his little input on it this morning... it's Resident Evil coming to life... just wait, within the next few weeks, there will be zombies everywhere...
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