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A few suggestions.. (wrong, section!)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by skynth, May 22, 2009.

  1. skynth

    skynth Well-Known Member

    Visual aspects of the site are quite modern and neat but is starting to fall behind, but you have already told us you are planning a redisgn. You just keep giving lol.

    But I have some suggestion that will make Romulation a site, which will allow you to interact more, spend more time of your <bloody> life here, and be more informational.

    Unfortunetly, I won't be able to help biuld my ideas because I just can't get my self to learn code. Perhaps because, I'm spoiled and just can't allow my self to learn beyond that I am forced to study and listen to at school.

    Here they are:
    -Among the tabs at the game download, add Review. Where a full featured article of the game is written, I would not mind writing them. Library of games for multiple platforms is sure to cause lots of stress.
    -Him/she who writes the articles recieves points, reputation perhaps?
    -Users have the ability to give reputation, as a reward to what they have posted (once per post), and for the review.
    -Me my self, do not not like blogs. But perhaps a userpage (united, both forum and main site, unless ofcourse you must do things of which I do not understand and it could be costly in any aspect.) where he/she writes about her likes, has the ability to choose what the user sees and all.
    -Unite the forum and other.. page, whatever settings you apply in forums also apply to the other.. page lol.

    Your friendly foriegnhero.

    -Sorry had multiple tabs open and didn't realise I was typing into the Games, Jokes & Random. Forgive me please.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Reviews are on the forum to try and bring more people to the forum. We are working on ways to link these.

    it's a possibility.

    Was removed due to abuse.

    Will not happen. RomUlation is not a social networking site.

    better integration is something we're working on.
  3. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Well the first thing that will make the mainsite and forum blend better would be to make the templates the same. Once you're done installing Vboard or w/e it is, make a custom template to match the mainsite with.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The review thing is something I always hear about, our very own global moderator Winterreise keeps pushing me to add it, alas, time is lacking and it's already in the forum, so it's not a huge priority.

    Personally I'm not as critical of user pages as I used to be, it definitely won't ever be a myspace/facebook style user page, but I'm open to ideas on how to encourage user interaction - and have several ideas on how to do it - but sadly not the time to work on it right now, or in the next few months either.

    As for the integration, it probably won't happen, integrating with smf is a chore, we have some things integrated like user/pass and the ban and permission system, but other than that it's not really worth spending a lot of time on. Sadly SMF programmers is of the mindset that if you want to integrate within SMF you should use the SMF system. That's everything, user system, permission system and template system - and SMF just isn't programmed well enough for me to even consider that.