So I have Wood R4 v1.20 with a regular R4. I try starting up Pokemon White (the v7 translation patched one) and it freezes as soon as I turn it on(white screen, the irony). I'm having the same problem with Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI. Maybe I'm just using the wrong versions, I don't know... Thanks in advance for any help.
Steps to take: Turn off soft reset If that doesn't fix it, don't use cheats. If that still doesn't fix it, good 'ol back up and format.
Nothing seems to work. I didn't backup and format, so I guess I'll have to do that. Is there any reason those certain games won't work though and others will? For example; Dragon Quest IX.
The only thing I could assume is that some old firmware files are creating conflict. I haven't had any issues booting those games in any version of Wood R4 past the point where they were fixed. A back up and format and applying fresh firmware files would help to remedy the issue if this was the case. You may also have a clone by chance that is capable of booting Wood R4, but not running it properly. If you don't mind me asking, just to double check, what does it say on the front of your cart?