Is it just me or does anyone foresee the fall of the handheld market. No, I don't mean the crash of the 3DS and Vita. I mean the overall collapse of both systems and all companies, enough to either severely neglected their console or pulled out of the field due to being bad business investments. Times are changing, I agree. With smart phones, tablets, and laptops, gaming has gone more high profile, more casual and social than anything else. However, answer me this, where did the innovation go? Why does everyone play it safe and refuse to test out new gaming concepts? Why has variety been replaced quantity? Is quality really dead? Does anyone remember when the GBA was around? The GBC? NGPC? Wonderswan? Sure, handhelds back then were limited in their tech specs, but by God did developers push hard to provide gaming greatness comparable to their big brother consoles. Don't think so? Then why are games like Tetris and Pokemon still around. Nowadays, all I see is crapware. 100 card games for the 3DS? My Pony Show? WTF!? Kill these so called developers and give me games compared to Megaman Battle Network, Monster Hunter Freedom, and Tetris Attack. Hell, I'll even take a remake of the Gameboy Camera. I have loads of fun with that. Do you guys see it too or am i just disillusioned? I checked the upcoming releases for PSP, Vita, DS, and 3DS. I came to a single conclusion: I'm going to go retro and quit investing in systems like these. It's just not worth it anymore, no matter how hard I try to justify it. Tsk tsk tsk. So I'd love to hear your guys opinions on the matter. 1, 2, 3, DISCUSS!! X
its happening in the console world to an extent too, and even the PC world isnt unaffected. So much hardware power and capability is available that innovation isn't necessary. Back in the days of the spectrum, the commadore et al, hardware limitations were very real and clever tricks had to invented to overcome them, such tricks were even necessary in older consoles such as the snes. now, they aren't needed, and I dont think thats necessarily a good thing.
Too much money so companies have to play it safe. Smaller games tend to innovate while the AAA games typically do not. Also it's sort of disillusionment because there has always been BAD games. Especially Gameboy games, there was a crap ton of shovel ware and just bad games on the GB/GBC/GBA. Nostalgia goggles bro. Also upcoming games on PSP? lololollololol, DS? lololol. These consoles are on the way out and games are still being announced for the Vita and 3DS, you're expecting too much out of nothing. There's a couple of really cool games coming out of Vita (too bad I won't buy it asap) and the interesting games on the 3DS (like Ghost Recon) got mostly ignored. While I can vouch for Loony's point, I feel this is more from a programmer's pov than a player's. And as far as I'm concerned it has mostly to do with pushing out the best graphics.
its not just graphics, tricks were used to produce continuous music on the C64, as well as speech. There was an invention called realsound that allowed a PC speaker (the thing that beeps when you turn your computer on) to produce speech, because at that point sound cards had not been invented. That is the kind of innovation I'm talking about.
yeah! i'm fucking sick of developers releasing shit from the 80's like tetris, why can't they release shit from the 90's like tetris attack