Are these questions alright? Can some body tell me what hacks for Super Mario World require Lunar Expand and which ones don't? & Where do I find the SMW hack Super LUEshi World (A hack for Super Mario World)?
Just go take a look at either's ROM Hacks section or at gbatemp's forums where those SMBW hacks are fully discussed.
Re: A couple of hack related questions. (Super Mario World Related & Lunar Expan Thank you, CRV. I'll do that. EDIT: I checked the sites you mentioned. RomHacking.Net didn't have the info I was looking for. And I checked the GBATemp Forums looking for Super LUEshi World hack but to no avail.
Hmm.. even the guy who made a youtube video of this hack didn't say where he found the hack. I'll try to find it for you OK. EDIT: This is getting to be a tough one, according to some boards I've checked, this hack seems to be on a private site & it's a bit hard tracking it down.
Re: A couple of hack related questions. (Super Mario World Related & Lunar Expan Well, you don't need to worry about it. I'll probably find it at esnips or something. But thanks, anyway.