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A basic Intro From Me

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by kileak, May 16, 2009.

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  1. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    Hi my name is Francis and I am from Malaysia and not sure how many of you guys heard of it but its somewhere in between Singapore and Thailand.

    I am 26 at the moment and working as a Project Manager is a private IT company. I owned several consoles but mostly were from the 32bit and handheld era. I had (chronological order) a Gameboy(first edition-Green Special), 2 Playstation (both dead :-[ ), A Playstation 2 (with plenty of games unfinished), XBOX (the first gen-Crystal Edition but the network port was spoiled), A GBA (also the first edition) and lately the NDS. I enjoyed handhelds the most (with all the Gameboys I owned) due to the portability factor and I can play it almost anytime and anywhere. I am planning to get a Next-Gen console which is the Xbox 360 but the NDS was able to occupied most of time which I think I won't have other time to play the 360 so the planned is on-hold. BTW i played the emulator for SNES, Sega Megadrive, PCE and all the legacy console due to costing factor.

    I am a Castlevania junkie from the Castlevania:SOFTN series till now and love Action-RPG, platform and all other genres but I am not a hardcore gamer where every game must be the best of the best. I just like to enjoy the games story and gameplay.

    So far my personal best game is still the old SNES and Playstation games as they are more innovative and break the gaming mold rather than relying on the graphic prowness. I like games with a good storyline and healthy challenges which is not too hard (sorry Megaman).

    I ran into this site when I was looking for ROM for the NDS through Google and man i was impressed by the people's feedback and the number of quality ROMS here.

    Thats my intro and anyone can ask me more info.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Welcome fellow retro gamer!
    makes my day to see more retro gamers come to RomU and also one who are into Castlevania I been a fan since the orginal on NES/Famicom only ones I didn't care much about was on the monochrome gameboy.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation kileak :)
  4. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for the welcomes....felt so warm. Lolx
    Castlevania rox all the time..i even complete the XBOX 3D Curse of the Vampire as I still think its a cool game but regret that unable to play or finish the Laments of Sorrow on PS2 as It was out of print when i bought my PS2

    RETRO ..rules.. no matter which genre...FPS :- DUke NuKem, RPG: FinalFantasy IV and V and Chrono Trigger, terranigma and others left un-noticed.

    Those were the good-old days where we dun mind spending hours with friends to play beat-them-up like TMNT or Double Dragons.

    One last word :---ROMulation RULESSS!!!!---

  5. skynth

    skynth Well-Known Member


    Basic poem to make you feel warmer than they had.

    Romulation Opening to thee.
    Just as a door with no bounds!
    Welcoming the tall, even if your as tall as a TREE!
    Welcoming the fat, even if your underwear don't show!
    Welcoming the geeky, even if your ME!
    welcoming the short, even if your mum couldn't see you at birth!
    Welcoming thee!, no matter what he sees!
    Showing mercy to she
    showing mercy to me
    Showing mercy to he
    Allowing me
    and him
    and her
    to finally play thee!
    and he and her and ME! finally have somewhere to be!
  6. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Hi there, this your first visit?
    I'm lucky I'm here, I might of missed-it
    Stay around or I'll have to BOMB YOU!!!
    and oh by the way, welcome to RomU.

    mines is better :)
  7. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    welcome aboard to RomU.Of course I know Malaysia.

    I'm a Malaysian too.
  8. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member


    Welcome and Enjoy the Site!!!
  9. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Welcome to Romulation Kileak~[​IMG]

    [​IMG]Have Fun and Enjoy your Stay here ^^[​IMG]
    Don't forget to read the rules here ~
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