So, the long anticipated HEN for 6.20 firmware has finally been released. And apparently, there is already an ISO loader! I don't have to use it, but this is an awesome holiday present for anyone with a PSP 3000/Go with 6.20 firmware. 6.20 TN-A download. ISO Loader Download I haven't/probably won't test it out, but it looks promising.
Yeah, it is. I guess I'll skip it until the HEN become more stable. Oh, TN-B has also been announced. and actually, the HEN was released first before the ISO Loader, but who cares.
I shall attempt to use this... Post Merge: [time]1293340791[/time] IT WORKS! ...I just need to get the homebrew running XD Post Merge: [time]1293346091[/time] I just tried the iso loader, monster hunter iso worked fine, though like the old HEN it has issues... It'll boot, but homebrew may not, I advise formatting the psp's settings if this happens.