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5th Generation of the Pokemon.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by maxmahito, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Yes, you all have seen the fox digimon like new pokemon in some other thread of this forum.

    This thread is created,in regard of predicting AND discussing the NEW features, which you think WILL appear in the japanese version of 5th gen game of pokemon late this year.

    please don't post of WHAT YOU WANT to change in the next game.Post only realistic.

    like: "I want 3D graphics to be introduced...." and "I'd like starters to learn fly in their nature....." and so are not encouraged.Since it is said that only NEW CONCEPTS are introduced, but not battle format.

    So, I think in my prediction that, this game would make the badge gaining and pokemon catching more difficult and fun-filled.

    So, folks! raise your opinions!

    All hail entertainment!
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I predict they WON'T have 3-D in the next game, otherwise there would be less incentive on tranferring your pokes to a main console like the wii (they might tweak the "walk" graphics but not combat).
  3. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    I think that they might make the game more realtime for people.
    As you see in diamond pearl and platinum... there were events which if you downloaded them through mistery gift, you could play, but i think that with the 5th generation games, it will be possible to just play the game and whenever Nintendo or whoever comes with an update or an event, that you will be able to experience it right there (at least if you're connected to WiFi)
    They already did something simmiliar like that in the Diamond series with the gem digging thing... which i never really gotten into, lol
  4. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Yup.I too think that graphic change during battle is of low chance.....
    yeah.....that digging got on my nerves in the beginning.....but, it's fun to play once you get the hang of it.

    and as of 5th generation......I think THE MAP will be surely larger than the previous games.

    I can't contain the excitement......if not to play, at least to know about it.......
  5. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Haha i hope that most of your excitement can be eased with the release of Pokemon HG/SS, in a few days.

    I think that they might even merge the ranger and the regular pokemon series with each other.
    I think there will be more mini games to choose from and i think (and yes secretly hope) that you will be able to create your own character.
    Decide wether you want to give your character a cap or not... colour clothes etc.

    Yeah....*starts daydreaming*
  6. melleopberg

    melleopberg Well-Known Member

    They should let us steer our pokemon with the touch screen to mis attacks of the other pokemon or hit the enemy with your attacks.
  7. Awec

    Awec Active Member

    I'm hoping they ignore all the RPG-haters and don't change the battle system.
    To be honest, I really hope they introduce a new type and swap a few types around. I mean come on, Ninetales is the perfect Fire/Psychic type. And why is Bug no longer good against Ghost?
    I also hope they expand on a few ideas outside of the normal storyline. I'd quite like there to be different ways of playing the game; for instance, being a Pokémon breeder like Brock in the Animé, or a gym leader. It might even be fun if they could allow you to run the Daycare centre, and perhaps try a slightly Monster Rancher-ish approach to how you play it.

    Some more freedom/a less stick-to-the-roads map would be a good idea, too. You see all these hikers around, but for some reason they're always in the middle of caves rather than on the top of mountains. And what about the sea? What's with the stupid blocks around the edges of the maps, stopping us from straying away? And most of all; the ability to fly precisely where you want. I know this probably is limited due to the silly 'you haven't been there so you may not have completed the quests you need to to reach there' idea, but that's another point.

    Pokémon has no story behind it, yet they still attempt to force the player to sit through cut-scenes, boring battle after battle and heroically storming a heavily defended Team Whatever's base with little to no help. I'm hoping they either make this sort of thing optional (since after all, it's a tradition, they can't stop doing it completely) or make an actual storyline for the player to follow. Pokémon has made a decent job of being half linear, half go where you want gameplay, but sometimes it ends up being unrealistic, annoying and ruins what little immersion you get.

    Most of all I hope they try to make the mini-games worthwhile. Think about it; digging was fun, but most of the time it didn't give you anything spectacular, and when it did give you anything good it's tarnished by the fact that you can continue digging and find several more. Again, such mini-games ruin the immersion.

    I also hope the expand on some of the the things they have. The day and night system can certainly be expanded, since it's mostly limited to Evolutions and what Pokémon you find. What about the people though? Why don't people ever go to bed, or why don't they move to different locations? Heck, it might even be fun playing a Harvest Moon-esque game, where you train and catch new Pokémon in a small location and thus get to know the locals.

    What really annoys me most of all is Legendary Pokémon though. I know the entire idea of the game is to complete the Pokédex, but seriously? As far as I know in the animé (not the movies though), no trainers have actually caught legendary Pokémon and yet in the games you have this wonderful chance to catch every single one of them. And even despite this, you still get idiotic trainers coming up to you and saying 'Hey, you look weak. Let's have a battle!' or gym leaders saying 'You were good, but you could still improve.' I want some acknowledgement for what I achieve, and I also want said achievements to be something for me to be proud (or ashamed in certain cases) of getting.

    Wow... I managed to turn this into a rant. Thankfully I can't think of any more.
  8. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of more of a free-roam/sandbox pokemon game...
    Be able to really do what you want, customize your character/pokemon/ or how about even your bike?
    another thing I would like would be to be able to move in more than four directions (up,down,left,right), try expanding a little and give us all eight directions of movement (up,down,left,right,up left, down left, up right, down right.)
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'm not against legendaries. I am, however, against compulsory capture/battle of legendaries. You never needed to catch (or even fight) legendaries in 1st and 2nd gens, but it seems that now the game funnels you into situations that basically say "hey, compulsory legendary battle, let's go". I'd have been happier if Dialga/Palkia in Diamond/Pearl had actually been a Level ?? (a la Mother Marowak from RBY) when you first fought it and had been impossible to catch, but when you defeated it you obtained the Adamant/Lustrous Orb and could later return to Spear Pillar to summon it for the real fight. I want my legendaries, but I'll get them when I want, yadidimean?
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    pokemon thread... tee hee...

    anyway, it's fine for me if the 5th generation is still turn-based, but i hope the battle scene will get better like fossil fighters or something like that. everything is okay but the battle scene never have improved. i wish it's not hopeless.
  11. agent 47

    agent 47 New Member

    i like the idea of them continueing the serise and i would like it to be released on wii and it to be like XD but it still would be good the old fashion style on DS
  12. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    When can we see some new pokemon than? instead f zorua and zoroark..
  13. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    I heard it's getting released in 2011. :O
  14. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree with Suiseiseki with that legendary optional thing,
    and also the legendaries should be hidden into very annoying difficult places example: in the first game Articuno

    that also would be great if done well. customizing even would eliminate the fact that you play as some kind of Ash ripoff
  15. grimreaper26

    grimreaper26 Well-Known Member

    oh but i saw an episode where a trainer called and used articuno against ash and after the fight it flew away ._. not really captured but being able to use it in a battle pretty much makes it like it was. i think it was in the battle frontier arc or something
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I think it's time to rebalance typing once again.
    In the first generation, Psychic was the ultimate type having hardly ANY weaknesses. It was vulnerable to two or three attacks, Pinmissile, Twinneedle, and Lick. These were all low powered and hardly useful attacks. Then they introduced Dark and Steel, which for the most part attempted to balance the Psychics.

    It doesn't help that most of the metagame is filled with steel types in one way or another. It also doesn't help that anything that moves will most likely have Earthquake. I agree that Steel adds a lot of resistances, but it also lets in a few key weaknesses, namely fire, ground, and fighting. Empoleon would be decent if it didn't have its Steel typing, because it now takes neutral damage against fire, which it should have the upper hand against, and is weak to ground, something it also has the advantage.

    If anything, they should thin out the Steel types and start including more Fire types, Electrics and Grass types (that learn stuff other than strictly Grass moves). I like the dual immunity like Quagsire has where he can have Water Absorb and be immune to electric attacks as well. They need to implement more unusual typing.
  17. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    @ insanecrazy:the earthquake is way over powered and over used.
    there should be more 1 type only and interesting mixes with types like:poison/flying and such
    but above all else they SHOULD NOT MAKE A NEW 200 pokemons or so,but more likely 50 or so,for it seams they are running out of ideas
  18. samusaran115

    samusaran115 Well-Known Member

    A decent legendary that is a fighting dragon type. Takes care of normals and everything else.

    Color screen pokewalker. Easier honey trees, more fire pokemon,less cheaters online (could care less about them offline)
  19. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Yo, I don't mean to be changing the subject of the graphic and possible gameplay of 5th gen poke games, but shouldn't we be more talking about what types of pokemon are we expecting to see in this upcomin' installment or like old pokemon? You know, like pokemon will totally surprise you into evolving into a new pokemon, for example: rhydon into rhyperior or like roselia getting a pre-form and the evo-form?

    what kinda old pokemon do you think gonna get an evolution form or a prevolution form.

    here's mine: I think both tauros and miltank gonna share a prevolution form...the male form evolves into tauros and the female...ya know

    also, I think both sableye and mawile gonna evolve. these two are the most likely, right? each will probably be attainable one their respective versions.

    I dunno, they'll maybe both give growlithe and vulpix pre-evo form...

    they'll probably pull a roselia with girafriga (whatever who you spell it) and give it a pre-form and then let it evolves...hell, mareep probably will get a branch-off form, it'll probably finally will evolves into another type of sheep. because, let's face it the only thing ampharos and it pre-forms have in common are their tails. who knows, it could happened.

    I think qwilfish will have evolution stage.

    I also think wingull will have a branch-off from too. it'll probably will evolve into another type of seabird like an albatrossor a stork or something.

    anyways, when it evolves into that pokemon it'll probably won't have the high defense and sp.attack stat that pelliper have, but instead have high attack and retain the speed it had when it was wingull. this is just a thought.

    also, there's a good chance that both pinsir and heracross gonna have a pre-forms...oh, let's not forget stantler. basically what I'm saying is, that most one-stage pokemon might probably end-up evolving or having pre-forms.

    anyways, I'm done rambling on, what do you guys think? what old pokemon do you think might have a 5th gen evolution?
  20. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Your thoughts sound possible.

    Although I'd prefer to see more branch offs (mareep sounds cool) and less of the useless pre evolutions, the most ridiculous one I can think of was chimecho's pre form... what was the point!? It didn't even bare any resemblance.
    With tauros and miltank I fail to see what it would possibly look like, they are too different.

    Branch offs I'd wanna see:
    dragonair to have an evo that stays as dragon only
    Pupitar (since it IS a cocoon) to have an evo, possibly dragon.

    The one stage pokemon I'd like to see evolve are weaker/forgettable ones like:
    I agree mawile and sableye need beefing up.
    farfetch'd and delibird would make good candidates, lest we forget.