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5689 - Pucca Power Up (E) AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by retrogamefan, May 17, 2011.

  1. retrogamefan

    retrogamefan Well-Known Member

    AP : Game will randomly black screen after the first stage on level 1-2

    EDIT : Removed since Dicastia fell for the trap has been finally caught out! If he knew how to properly patch AP, then he would have realised that it was a bogus code :p. Sorry for any inconvenience caused...

    Jhon, yes the ROM data you originally posted is correct!
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Hears me think it was

    5689 - Pucca Power Up (EUR)

    0009BA4E B4 AA E0 -> B3 AA 36
    0009BAEE E1 AA E0 -> E0 AA 36
    Post Merge: [time]1305641678[/time]
    Anyway infolib / extinfo.dat

    5689 - Pucca Power Up (EUR)

    BU9P FF7391AD


    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 E3 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C E3 00 00 C0 E4 00 00
    08 E4 00 00 78 E5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E6 00 00
    38 E7 00 00 2C E8 00 00 5C E3 00 00 FF FF FF FF
    30 09 00 00 88 FB 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

    0x0200e350  00 0C A0 E1 21 04 80 E1 00 10 A0 E3
    0x0233a1a8  04 4A BA 42 02 D1 80 22 92 00 BF 18 01 A2 17 60 4F 60 0D E1 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    0x0233a3d4  0A 60 E7 E6
    0x02339fa8  94 E8 3F 02
    0x0233a2d8  85 42 3A E0
    0x0233a228  B8 20 00 23 88 60 CB 60 01 4A 01 3B 13 60 01 E0 B8 E8 3F 02
    0x023806B8  00 00 A0 E1
    0xc2339e40  F8 B5 04 1C
    0x02339e50  09 E0 55 4F
    0x02339e70  4B 48 53 21
    0x02339ed0  43 1C 03 E0
    0x0233a50c  03 E0 00 21
    24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
    1C 10 9F 05 08 10 80 05 48 11 80 05 14 10 9F 05
    A8 10 80 05 E8 11 80 05 1E FF 2F E1 A4 94 11 02
    4F 03 5F E1 37 B3 AA 36 6A E0 AA 36
    80 FE FF EA
    RGF Code Added, His code!
  3. retrogamefan

    retrogamefan Well-Known Member

    well Jhon, patch your rom with that code you posted and it will work
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Yes its black screen on stage 1-3, not added the code as of yet, But that one you use must be new...

    can't find 0000b177 are 0000b3cf around that area of the data with DeSmuME

    Then again i was looking at the (K) rom
    Post Merge: [time]1305644013[/time]
    Well that data worked anyway!

    0009BA4E B4 AA E0 -> B3 AA 36
    0009BAEE E1 AA E0 -> E0 AA 36
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Download Game Here --> http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=55181.0
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Hang on a moment, I took out the code and it still worked....... WTF

    Will deleate my save and try again

    EDIT: I get it without patched it will work fine after a reset of the ds
    Post Merge: [time]1305648114[/time]
    extinfo.dat Alternative code

    24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
    1C 10 9F 05 08 10 80 05 48 11 80 05 14 10 9F 05
    A8 10 80 05 E8 11 80 05 1E FF 2F E1 A4 94 11 02
    4F 03 5F E1 37 B3 AA 36 6A E0 AA 36
    80 FE FF EA

    24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
    1C 10 9F 05 08 10 80 05 48 11 80 05 14 10 9F 05
    A8 10 80 05 E8 11 80 05 1E FF 2F E1 A4 94 11 02
    4F 03 5F E1 37 B3 AA 36 6A E0 AA 36
    80 EE 0F EA
    Post Merge: [time]1305712543[/time]
    I thought i should have gone with my first instinct RGF XD!

    The game dose work fine with it!


    All i can say RGF nice one XD ;)
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    ??? ::) :eek: :-\

    I already know about that guy. But....... ugggg!!!
    Now I'm confused which one is the proper offset to copy.

    Jhon can you please help and edit RGF's open patcher v.1.24 to the correct patch offset?
    And is the DAT you had posted to use on TTDT.exe the correct one or is it the one RGF's bogus version?
    Cause I know the original post you did last night was already correct which he brushed aside.
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I added in my own code into the dats!, no think wrong with them!, Not RGFs bogus code

    Yes i will edit it into the patcher also, when i have more time later
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Ok. Thanks for the info. So I will not be needing to open up my DATs to re-edit them as the one you posted are the correct version. So I can still play that game on the clean rom. But the Open Patcher will need some re-doing unless RGF removed and re-upload his v.1.24 patcher with the correct one this time. Cause surely someone will be needing to resort to using the patched rom version instead if their cart is not R4.

    I just copy paste the 2 lines of your correct offsets into RGF's Open Patcher below the existing database of his Pucca Offset in the file that I had downloaded last night. Re-patch the rom but highly unsure if that is what I must do even though the end result was a dialog box saying "patch done". Up to now I am still not sure which of RGF's offset line is the fake one, or did he just wrote a partial fix. *Scratching my head* ???

    PS: Jhon, just to remind you; you'll need to get the patched rom you posted off the share section and re-upload the proper patched version. That would mean you have to either contact Dark_Pearl or Jonez to edit the first post of the share section.

    @RGF.....Uggghhh!! You really got me....*confused* ::)
    Good thing I always keep a copy of the clean rom just in case things like this happen. :p

    Anyway, Thanks to the both of you, great job with the fixes. Very much appreciate it. :)
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    ROM patch

    0009BA4E B4 AA E0 -> B3 AA 36
    0009BAEE E1 AA E0 -> E0 AA 36
    RAM patch

    5689 - Pucca Power Up [D304F40D]
    00004400: A0 EA C3 F4 3E DD 58 73 09 D1 61 E5 9D F9 77 E5 → 24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
    00004410: 6F 3B EA 40 2A 09 E2 B8 F1 BA FE FA 74 EB 6F 20 → 1C 10 9F 05 08 10 80 05 48 11 80 05 14 10 9F 05
    00004420: 7F 3C 08 F6 A3 D9 E5 29 B1 4C B7 0D C2 AF CC 52 → A8 10 80 05 E8 11 80 05 1E FF 2F E1 A4 94 11 02
    00004430: 4A 0B 68 1E 90 CE E6 DB E5 DA 44 A7 → 4F 03 5F E1 37 B3 AA 36 6A E0 AA 36
    000049F8: 1E FF 2F E1 → 80 FE FF EA
  11. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    lol, ive been reading this and thought it was funny, nice one RGF :)
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Hmmm.... you're evil. :':)P

    RGF's v.1.25 Open Patcher : http://filetrip.net/f24193-RetroGameFan-MultiPatcher-1-25.html

    *I've to assume now RGF made the correct coding version and not another trap.*
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I used the RAM version myself, But rom or ram it works the same either way!

    in ram the offset is located at 02 11 94 A4 , but its reversed in this patch A4 94 11 02


    24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
    1C 10 9F 05 08 10 80 05 48 11 80 05 14 10 9F 05
    A8 10 80 05 E8 11 80 05 1E FF 2F E1 A4 94 11 02
    4F 03 5F E1 37 B3 AA 36 6A E0 AA 36


    5689 - Pucca Power Up [D304F40D]
    0009BA4E: B4 → B3
    0009BA50: E0 → 36
    0009BAEE: E1 → E0
    0009BAF0: E0 → 36

    In red you can see the data patch from ROM to RAM

    we use 4F 03 5F E1 reverse search E1 5F 03 4F in ram to locate the offset 02 11 94 A4 , A4 starts at offset data 4F

    Basicly this is how its done for extinfo.dat to play the clean ROM's
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    So Jhon,

    Does the v.1.25 now contain the correct patch offset or is it still the same trap offset as the v.1.24?
    I've not extracted the v.1.25 yet as I've not need to. I've already used your DAT offset and the revised patch you sent. It work like a charm. I do however had to reload the game before the game icon show up properly in YSMENU. At first play the icon show up as white icon with YS logo. But after reloading the icon show up. No issues so far. Thanks for the offsets and the above explaination.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Yes v1.25 dose!

    Either way yes, Even if you used a patched ROM the same data will just over ride the same patch used

    I was only explaining , How to turn a ROM patch into a RAM patch ;)
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Great. Thanks.