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4chan Floods youtube with porn!?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MitsukaiXxX, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Anyone heard about the website 4chan(please dont go there,awful site) flooding youtube with porn videos(legal and illegal) in retaliation to one of its underage users getting banned becuse he was 8.

  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Old news. It was pretty funny. They made a bunch of accounts, set everything to private, uploaded a ton of stuff, then turned them all public at once.

    But again, it happened early last year.
  3. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    oooo :( im slow :(
  4. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    Were you in Youtube when that so-called "raid" happened?
    (just curious)
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I logged into Youtube near the end of the "raid". I was watching a few 4chan threads at the time though. People laughing, etc.
  6. theXotaku0

    theXotaku0 Member

    Eh, I was there.. Didn't participate in this raid but I was the one that set up the first raid that we made last year.. Was kind of fun for a while but to do it every day or by any cause it loses the meaning..
  7. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    I think this was somewhere around May,
    I have nothing to say to this that I haven't already heard and read :/
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    00:40 in the video in that article.

    "...there was this comment: 'I'm 12 years old and what is this?'"

    I love how the uneducated take memes so seriously. Reminds me of this video:

  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It's not that bad, I go there often (cue sarcastic "nowai").

    Also, Luke didn't deserve to be banned. All we wanted to do was make him famous. =[
  10. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    4chan is a bad place,about as bad as 12 chan......
    Not the sick pictures or videos,thats nothing,but its the random pedophile pictures that pop up.......
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Or about Oprah's "over 9000 penises".
  12. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Cute, not paedo.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda sick of 4chan...

    I've been there a few times, and...it's a mess.

    Yet most of the funny stuff/interesting stuff that people talk to me about tends to come from 4chan.

    No wonder the internet isn't the way it should be-good clean, informitive fun that doesn't make you feel like you missed something :(
  14. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    cute????? its calle djailbate,legal pictures of naked 11yr olds etc etc...

    cant pull the wool over my eyes,ive been there and its disgusting,bunch of men putting jail bait pics up of posing 12yr old girls.

    4chan has lots of pedo pictures on there........just as bad as 12chan
  15. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    4chan, huh...
    Perverted place :p
  16. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    All because of one account getting banned :p

    Lukeywes1234 or something. King of /b/
  17. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    PS - This was pretty much a complete failure. Cuatro-chon is now too huge, messy, and unorganized, rendering the "community" incapable of doing anything constructive whatsoever.

    Would have been sweet though
  18. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Lukeywes1234 was 8,
    youtube clearly state you have to be 13,so they banned him.....

    get over it 4chan and stop crying
  19. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    4chan is ok, you just have to know where to go ;)

    This was hilarious.
  20. nation

    nation Active Member

    Yeah I was gonna say...this story sounds familiar. If I recall correctly, Ebaumsworld (& possibly 4chan) uploaded porn on youtube under the keyword "marblecake" & it stayed up for days Anyone remember this?