Hello, just a quick question... At one point NDS ROM 4273 was "The Price Is Right 2010 (U)", but it recently disappeared & "4274 - Littlest Pet Shop... (E)" took its place as # 4273. Was there any particular reason for this? Will this ROM make a return? I love the site, and keep a running spreadsheet of all the NDS ROMs, based upon your list. I didn't want to update my list until I had satisfied my curiosity. Thanks for your time!
The ROM was not right. It wasn't the 2010 version, it was an earlier version. This one: https://www.romulation.org/NDS/2678_-_The_Price_Is_Right_%28U%29%28Micronauts%29.rar.html/ It was a mistake by the scene, and removed, and the numbers were adjusted accordingly. It will be dumped as soon as someone buys it and dumps it.