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3DSTT won't work

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Ibuuyk, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    So, I've updated to 2.0.0-2 about three days ago and since then, I can't play anymore. I've tried every firmware on n3dstt.com but nothing works. I've tried looking here but as I updated really late, every thread that might've been related has been buried already, so I'm wondering if I missed a firmware update, or if 3DSTT isn't fixed yet?
  2. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    i dont know much about 3DSTT is this the card from http://www.ndstti.cn/ it looks like a exact copy of a ttdsi but updated because my ttdsi can use the same firmware except its more updated then the one of the official website (last time i checked)
  3. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    3DSTT is the DSTT that works for the 3DS.
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    All i know is that they are 3DS cards to play DS games on a 3DS, But no real 3DS cards that can play 3DS games on a 3DS
  5. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    I think I know what my flashcart is and does, all I wanna know is if I missed a firmware update since June 6th or if 3DSTT still isn't compatible with 2.0.0-2
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Just the firmware update to get the DSTTi to work on 3DS's took a lot of dedication on part of a third party. The official team of that cart is yet another that just thieves updates that they wait for people to complete. If the update never happens, they too never update. I don't know if anybody is trying to fix the DSTTi, or if people have just given up and spent the whole $12 or $13 on an Acekard2i.

    As it stands now, there is no bootloader fix available regarding the 2.0.0-2 update for the DSTTi. There most likely won't be.
  7. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    Well, there is a firmware update but the translation is so bad I can't understand it. Does anyone understands the following?

    this is 3dsV2.0 upgrade package£¨NOTE:This is just 3dsV2.0 upgrade package,it is just used for upgraded,can not
    play games£©, if your 3dstt card can not run on 3dsV2.0 console, please use this 3dsV2.0 upgrade package to upgrade your 3dstt card by nds/dsl/dsi/dsill/dsixl/3ds for running on 3dsV2.0 console.
    1.Download the 3dsV2.0 upgrade package of 3dstt. Unzip and
    copy the files(_SYSTEM_, MOONSHL,_DS_MENU.DAT,_DS_
    MENU.INI,_DS_MSHL.NDS,fwupdate_for_3dsV2_RED.nds) to TF card
    2.Insert TF card into 3dstt card, insert 3dstt card into NDS/DSL
    3.Turn on console and press ¡°A¡± button to ¡°game¡± run the
    upgrade file fwupdate_for_3dsV2_RED.nds.
    Note: When upgrading the 3dstt card, it is not allowed to turn off
    power or pull out 3dstt ,otherwise it will damage the 3dstt card.

    The update above was released on June 13th along with an update named AKAIO_1.8.6

    There was also an update that was released on June 6th, but it doesn't fix it. There's no description on any update so I don't know... do I need to download all of 'em, a mix of 'em, just one of 'em or what? Why can't 3DSTT be good in English? Doesn't seem too professional to me.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It all makes sense until the odd symbols in step 3. There, I can't be completely sure I understand what they want you to do, but basically:

    They want you to download the 3DS v2.0 pack and put the contents on your MicroSD card. You then have to run the update file on a system that is able to update it (DS Phat, DSlite, DSi, DSi XL, or a non 2.0 3DS). Seems fairly standard. As for the language, these are Chinese shops, so you learn how to read the Englinese after a while. Don't be surprised that it doesn't seem all that professional though, as these guys don't do anything themselves. They are one of many that uses the success of another to launch a site.

    I mean, the 3DSTIi is nothing but a DSTTi with a new sticker.
  9. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    I put the files on the MicroSD, but it doesn't work. I think they're telling me to update it myself, but it's impossible because I need to update it in order to be able to run the update .nds, apparently.

    And the 3DSTT is a DSTTi, but for 3DS. Or at least it was before they made DSTTi compatible with 3DS; now they're the same thing, except that the 3DSTT website is worse than the DSTTi website.

    Does anyone else use 3DSTT here? It was one of the best when it came out, I wonder why everybody moved to R4.
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The files won't work unless you can actually boot your flash cart to run the update. The Supercard DSTwo is the only cart I know that doesn't require either an older system, or a less updated version of the same system to run the updates.

    Gonna be blunt here, the 3DSTTi was never a top card. The DSTTi was never a top card, and the original DSTT was sort of near the top at about the same time as the original R4. The R4 was top dog about four years ago, when there was only one R4. Since then, there have been many clones (I've come across somewhere between 30 and 50) that a lot of the time are just clones of other clones. They tend to have terrible teams that only mooch updates, or just flat out abandon the cart after a month. R4 is generally something you don't want to bother with, especially owning a 3DS, as there are just better carts available.

    The good flash carts are as follows:

    - Supercard DSTwo - Best of the best, painless and easy updating that doesn't require another system. SOOOO many plugins and emulators made just for it. It's just a little steeply priced at about $35 USD. Not one person has said it isn't worth the money though.

    - Acekard2i - Uses the brilliant AKAIO designed by normmatt (kind of a whiny bitch, but he gets the job done), with updates to bypass new 3DS firmwares actually presented by the official Acekard team (a rarity for the official team to keep working after a third party takes over). Top notch compatibility with some attractive features. It's the go to card for many costing only about $13 on average.

    - CycloDSi - The only flash cart that is able to boot in DSi mode. DSi mode being available has paved the way for better homebrew and the like. Great compatibility, works with even the latest 3DS updates. It isn't as popular as the other two though, as access to DSi mode doesn't justify a $45 price tag for many.

    There are three okay R4's on the market. Only one of them is 3DS compatible, but does boast the support of the Wood firmware. It is about the same price as the Acekard2i though, making the Acekard2i a clearly better choice. Just clearing the air a little about what is actually good, especially if you end up wanting/needing to buy a different flash cart. What you bought was basically a scam with somebody trying to make a quick buck off the fact that somebody else was willing to do so much work.
  11. Ibuuyk

    Ibuuyk Member

    I used my old DS to update my MicroSD and it works perfectly now, thanks for trying to help.
  12. keith101

    keith101 Active Member

    i perfer the dstt, im not sure why, but i got the newest wood and works fine on my dsi
    cant wait to get my 3ds
  13. claireabel

    claireabel New Member

    hey there

    i know this topic is old but i am in need of some help.

    i have a 3dstt i have downloaded the menu and added some roms but none of the games showed up on the menu so i looked for online help and found this thread.

    i downloaded the upgrade from 3dstt website, loaded it, chose the update off the list and it updated but now i dont even get an icon on the home screen.

    Have i broken it now? can anyone advise me how to get it working please?

    thank u so much :)

    claire xx
  14. DominicSpolec

    DominicSpolec Active Member

    Are you sure you updated your flashcard sucessfuly, did you update the card with a DS console ?
  15. claireabel

    claireabel New Member

    i have no idea lol

    i downloaded something that said it would upgrade my 3ds/card and ran it on my system and it said deleting firmware then updating til it got to 100 then when done i switched off and when i turned it back on there was no icon any more for 3dstt just a blank space like there was no game.

    i didnt update with a ds as i did not know i could >.< i can take nds apart, repair them etc but i dont know much about the software on them im afraid and i dont own a ndsi. Ive used dstt many times before but this is the first time ive used the new 3dstt card.

    if im doing it all wrong please help! lol

    if i have "bricked" the card i have another 3dstt card would i need a new micro sd too? sorry to be such a noob! lol

    claire xx