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3DS---worth buying??

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by avatar123, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. avatar123

    avatar123 Well-Known Member

    I just wanna know...cause I'm going to buy one..
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    You could wait till Christmas or a little later on when there are better games out for it. There's only one that I really like until next week when OOT3D comes out.
  3. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    Im buying it on sunday, today i saw one of my friends pokedex 3D and the videos of the games in 3D its amazing its a must have, buy it or regret it xD
  4. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Quoting for emphasis.
    Another reason is a hopeful price drop, which is the issue that stops me.
  5. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    If it was like 200 dollars i would "accidently" break my ds and trade it in for a 3ds only paying like 50 dollas ):<
  6. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    you can trade in a broken unit?
  7. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Gamestop/EB games will send systems in to get them refurbished.
  8. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i didnt know that hmm thinks if i knew that i could of got both of them now to look for a game stop in Birmingham to get my blue 3ds.
  9. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    @avatar123: one question, why are you asking this if you already know that you are going to buy one?
  10. avatar123

    avatar123 Well-Known Member

    @viccie211 I'm sorry..what I mean is, if you guys think it is good then I buy it..and if not I'm just gonna wait for the playstation NGP to be release..
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I love the 3DS. Best system I've bought so far.
  12. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    The NGP is now the Playstation Vita. I'm gonna put my money on this one. Even if there aren't as many good games as there will be on the 3DS, it'll be alot more powerful, meaning it will probably be able to emulate newer consoles.
  13. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    @avatar123, I know, it just looked kinda strange. The 3DS is awesome, you just have to get a good game. I'm buying Ocarina of Time 3D friday, if my parents allow me. That game will be great.
    But if you don't have a good game, like me now(splinter cell 3D is short and has no replay value) you kinda feel ripped of, but there will be good games.
  14. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Ocarina of Time 3D and Street Fighter IV 3D are the only really good games out right now..
  15. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Yes, because now good games are out for it
  16. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    It's kinda lame compared to the DS launch line don't you think?
    The DS hade SM64DS, and if i'm right really short afther the launch there came New Super Mario Bros. and mario kart and another bunch of good titles
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    They'll come. It takes a while longer to develop 3DS games anyways.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Nope. Mario Kart came out a year after the DS came out and New Super Mario Bros came out a year and a half after the DS launch.

    I'm not a huge fan of SM64 so that wasn't really good for me. Honestly the first killer app for the DS was Kirby Canvas Curse. And the announced 3DS' holiday line up (Super Mario 3DS, Kid Icarus, Star Fox, and Mario Kart) are much better than what the DS had for the first year for me.
  19. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, my bad, I was stuck with my SP back then till 2008, so I didn't know it that good.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Look it up before you say it.