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3DS To DSI Question

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by doctorz, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. doctorz

    doctorz Active Member

    well i am going to buy the 3ds but not when it first comes out
    will nintendo still release dsi and ds games?
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    They would be stupid not too. Obviously most developers are going to focus on the new system but that doesnt mean they arnt going to still make ds titles
  3. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    For the first couple of years, most likely.
    After that though...Well, just look at the GBA/GBCs.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Nintendo would stop making games for the DS/DSi after the 3DS comes out, I'd imagine that most devs would move over to the 3DS and all that would be left is shovelware.

    This has happened with every Nintendo console EVER.
  5. slapshow

    slapshow Member

    i say pokemon black/white is the last great game for ds/dsl/dsi/dsixl
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Probably. Sad that they couldn't make DSi exclusive games...
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    There are still DS games that are being planned to be made for awhile now. The 3DS being released doesn't mean they are going to just outright stop making games for the DS. Hell, the GBC still had games being made for it after the GBA came out, some really good ones too. Most people had moved on though (since systems were still reasonably priced so everybody could upgrade easily), so the games fell into the darkness except for the handful that found and enjoyed them.

    Also, Okamiden is set to come out after Pokemon Black and White. A new Lego Star Wars game will be coming out after that. Not saying that will be great, but maybe it will be more fun than the last DS one that just got boring after about an hour or so.

    Lets not forgot the assloads of localizations promised post-3DS release. The 3DS in no way marks the end of the DS.
  8. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    The DS still hasn't got it's swan song...that being, a game made a while, maybe even YEARS after a console died and used all of its capabilities and pushed them to their limits. For N64 it was Conker's bad fur Day - Made in 2001 right before the gamecube was out. For PS2 it was God of war 2 - made YEARS after the PS2 was pretty much dead, in 2007. What will it be for the DS? Who knows, we've yet to find out :p
  9. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    -deleted post-

    read my post below. Got more to add...:)
  10. doctorz

    doctorz Active Member

    thanks guys ;)
  11. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    There are still a number of popular japanese DS games that needs to be translated, after the release of 3DS, to the west. Dragon Quest Joker 2, Luminous Arc 3, Digimon World are some of the games that should be made available to us. Even with no new development of games, we still will have a couple of "new" games this year...

    For that, I will hold my hype on buying a 3DS and wait for a second version of it or wait for the pirate king to give us some free games along with the drop of price.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The ps2 wanst quite dead in 2007...or near it.

    More or less here, it began dying in 2009, yes that long...

    I know using wikipedia isnt a good idea but...it's a bit more accurate, though in 09 it started slowing...
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    GoW2, ushureabootthat? It came out in March of 2007, the PS3 came out in November 2006. That's not even a year, not even close.

    The DS' swan song is either Pokemon or Okamiden, other than that there's really nothing left.
  14. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    ^ If you are only referring to the announced release dates then yes. How about the games I mentioned? I think those games are popular in its right. Pokemon would be the top choice but not the last game that would be the end of it all.
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member


    Does nobody read? Anything?

    There have been localizations of great games promised for post-3DS release, many not yet announced, as you can't put any kind of a release date on a localization until it is nearly complete. All because the spotlight is currently on the 3DS doesn't mean the DS is dead. You would have to be ignorant to think a handheld that has gone strong for six years would die the second the first 3DS went off the shelf.
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    A lot of these localizations you're talking about aren't even announced to be released in anywhere but Japan. Even a game like DQM: Joker 2 (note Professional is the new version of the game coming out) has already been released in Japan before and hasn't been localized in English yet. Luminous Arc 3 has also been released in japan a year ago; and Digimon World has no information on it coming to the US, and if it's like the other Digimon game on the DS, then it'll stay away from English shores entirely.

    Most if not all Nintendo consoles have been released like this: New Nintendo console/handheld comes out, the previous iteration dies quickly. Nintendo literally pulls out support for the system. It's the way Nintendo's always done it and it's mostly the same with third party developers on the system.

    I admit I didn't read the post directly above mine, that is ignorant, to suggest that the games that you two mentioned besides SW and the ones I mentioned would go elsewhere from Japan, is an assumption, we were never promised a localization, nor do we have even a TBA date. While me suggesting that the DS has nothing left past Okamiden is also an assumption, it's based on known release dates and previous history.

    What you guys call 'stupid' isn't really stupid at all. If you don't buy the next system, you won't have new great games, that's that and it's always been like that. After the PS3 release, there was very little to look forward to on the PS2, when the 360 came out, there was nothing but Madden 06 on the Xbox, when the Wii came out there was very little to look forward to on the GC etc etc etc etc etc etc.Trouble is trouble