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3DS / R4 cards?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Mobinga, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Mobinga

    Mobinga Member

    so excited i got the Nintedo console as my birthday gift ;D, so bored that i got two as my gift, one is a DSI from my friend and the other is a 3DS XL from my aunt :-[.

    Im a bit confused to buy what r4 flashcart for the two system. Many of my friends suggest me the ideas that for the DSi I can use the r4i gold 3ds ,R4 3DS rts lite card , but why not r4i 3ds dual core, seems they have the same function, but the dual is more cheaper from this site: http://www.r4depot.com/14-r4isdhc ( My friends reommend).

    for the 3DS Xl, i can use the MT card, but seems now the gateway 3ds is much better.

    Can anyone give me some insight on this? Thanks!
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You're already in the right direction, except don't go for the dual core.
  3. Mobinga

    Mobinga Member

    Thanks, so do you mean that the r4i gold 3ds or R4i 3DS rts lite card are both oK? Why not r4i 3ds dual core , i couldn't not figure out their difference. same feature and same team, cheaper than rts lite.
  4. deviousgsr

    deviousgsr Member

    r4i gold 3ds card http://www.r4flashcart.com/8-wood-r4i-gold-3ds-flashcart-for-3ds-xl-3ds-dsi-and-ds-lite.html is generally considered as the best out there because the team behind r4i gold 3ds card does it's best to provide updates. and it is probably the fastest card to get the latest updates when the 3DS console itself is update
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'm not going to say which are better than the other. All I can advice you is/are to understand there are numerous carts going by very similar names. They don't necessarily come from the same producer. Your console being a 3DS needs to be cautious, since at some point Nintendo might release new console update that could render your flash cart to not work on the console. There are few carts that are able to work on the current latest console firmware version. You need to make sure at the very least, the cart you plan to buy will work on the console firmware v.7.1 or newer. It doesn't matter if your 3DS is actually running a firmware below v.7.1 or not, but to be on the safer side, buy one that does support up to that level just in case you or someone you lend that console to, made the mistake of updating the console firmware. Also, if that cart supports v.7.1 or newer, at the very least it shows that cart is reliable and still receive continuous updates from it's official maker. Another matter to consider is to make sure it has secondary firmware support such as from YSMENU or WOOD to run the latest NDS rom games. Of cause this secondary firmware advice does not apply for when you decide to purchase a 3DS rom player flash cartridge such as Gateway, R4i 3DS Gold Deluxe, MT-Card, etc. in which case, just make sure which ever cart your buy to play 3DS rom, receives credible updates, not one likely to die out anytime soon.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Check your firmware on both consoles.

    I bet you don't have v4.1-v4.5 on the 3DS...

    ...which means no flashcart.
  7. Mobinga

    Mobinga Member

    Thank you for giving me so many practical suggestions, will take care of it. thanks again!!!!! ;D
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    haha, yeah, i will go to check these stores, thanks for your advice!!
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    seems that r4i gold 3ds is the best choice to play ds games.
  8. andrew11214

    andrew11214 Member

    i am only interested in the 3ds games , so i recommend you the mt-card , mt-card is much cheaper than gateway 3ds , but it still works well , my brother and friends are also fond of mt-card