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3DS Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cowcat06, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    I am looking to get the aqua 3DS on the day the 3DS XL comes out 8/19/12. Will the original 3DS's be on sale for $149.99? & What is the best extended battery to buy the Nyko one? & I have an Acekard 2i that I've been using for my Ds Lite. It's all set up with games I've been playing on my Ds Lite. Do I just pop it in the 3DS & it will work? & I want to trade my Ds Lite to Gamestop does Gamestop still give $30 for it?
  2. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    are you gettin a 3ds in order to play 3DS games on ur ace card?cause as far as i know they didnt finish dumping 3ds games yet.if i am mistaken feel free to correct me :p btw you could always check the ebay.and if you live in the USA you can find lots of nice offers.reminds me i found a 3ds for like 10$ auction :p
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no flashcart can play 3ds games, and your acekart will need to be updated in order to function on a 3ds system, for which you will need a ds lite.
  4. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    I already knew the flash cart can't play 3DS games. I'm using it to play DS/gameboy games. Can someone give me a detailed description on how to set it up for the 3DS? I want to keep my game folder. & Is the Nyko extended battery the best? & Does Gamestop still give $30 for a Ds Lite trade in?
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Follow the guide below.

    1. Download the latest firmware here
    2. Download the latest loaders here
    3. Download the latest patch here.
    4. Extract the AKAIO 1.9.0 and loaders to a directory
    5. Replace the old loaders with the new ones in the '_aio' directory
    6. Delete all the files on your SD besides for your games. I highly suggest you put your games in a folder called 'Games' on the root.
    7. Copy the newly updated AKAIO to your SD, '__aio' and 'akmenu4.nds'
    8. Now extract and copy the DS Lite update patch to your SD
    9. Boot up your Acekard on your DS Lite and run the patch
    10. You are now ready to use your Acekard on the 3DS latest system version.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Honestly you would be better off keeping the DS Lite rather than trading it in. Basically if your 3ds ever gets updated before your flashcart, you will need a ds lite to update the flashcart so that it will work on the 3ds again.
  7. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    So I'm forced to keep my Ds Lite in order to keep the Acekard2i working???
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not exactly, its more of a backup plan. If you never update 3ds until after there is an ak2i update released that is confirmed working on the new 3ds firmware, and you have installed said ak2i update, you won't need the dslite. If you ever get that sequence wrong, or if someone else updates your 3ds, you will need the DS lite.