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3DS Price Drop - And Early Buyer Benefits!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by RandomRedMage, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member


    The above link leads to nintendo's press page, the story from the horses mouth so to speak. Now the Price for the 3DS glasses free 3D hand held system from the innovators at Nintendo will go down from $249 to $169. A happy $80 price drop, nearly 30% of its price in USD

    So for those of you [like myself] who already have one? UMAD BRO? Well Don't Be! For US early adopters, the Loyal fan's of nintendo willing to shell out the hefty original price tag, will be getting 20 free games from the eshop, and not just any games, exclusive early releases of Virtual Console NES games, and EXCLUSIVE Game Boy Advanced Virtual Console Games that wont be released to the late buyers at all in the eShop, So all you have to do to participate in this what they are calling the "3DS Ambassador program" Is to Go and brows the eShop before midnight on August 11th.

    Do the math... 20 free games... 10 NES, 10 GBA, even at $4 a pop for NES and $10 a pop for GBA thats $140 worth of free games to make up for their dropping the price buy $80USD. And EXCLUSIVE EARLY access and Exclusive ONLY access is worth a lot to the fans too.

    This is a bold and wonderful move by the big N. It's going to be hard for Sony to top it.

    [On another note, maybe the more easily affordable price tag on this bad boy will help tip the scales in our favor to get the -MegaMan Legends 3 Project- back up and running!]
  2. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    ^ there is already a thread for this.. :p
  3. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Here's the topic


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