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3DS Getting Called Back?!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by shrekwilliam, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    Wow They Play It For Like Half A Hour And Wam You Will Experince Stuff...So Lucky I Never Got A 3DS, I Consider You Dont Get One.
    I Heard This On The Newspaper Cus' My Dad Said It. 0.0
    So What Do You Think?
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    I think everyone's retarded because they don't know that they can turn off the 3D.
  3. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    Yep LOL Their is a non 3D mode Why Dont They Use Dat..
  4. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    I've read that the effects of playing in 3D are greatly reduced (or sometimes nonexistent) if you just hold the 3DS still while playing.

    Was the 3D really the sole reason for those folks buying the system or are they really too stupid to figure out how to turn the 3D off?...
  5. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    I geuss they make them so cool and populaur they trick kids to think it will never end or summit
  6. Raqueldms

    Raqueldms Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    Lol, a Nintendo 3DS without 3D?
    The big deal with this console is exactly the 3D effect thing. XD

    Edit: Why is this in the Micro$oft section? ;D
  7. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To:

    lol sorry i musta put wrong selection how i change?
  8. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    note how they say about the 3d slider so obviouly they had it on full whack (thats a tecnical term) which of course would course more strain then on a lower setting. also even without the 3d on there are plenty of features to keep it competing with the NGP when that comes out so all in all im not worried about the 3ds being a flop
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    People need to realize a couple of things:

    - The 3D can be adjusted, but this doesn't really change the 3D itself if I'm not mistaken, more the focal point.
    - The 3D can be turned off.
    - Your eyes need time to adjust to seeing 3D regularly. What isn't realized is that your eyes were never made to view in the third dimension on a two dimensional surface. After rationing time and increasing time gradually, the 3D will be far easier to handle. That's not to say that you'll be able to go 30 hours viewing the 3D consistently, but you'll be able to play for longer than three minutes.

    Also, 27? So your child is what, 5 or 6, 10 at best? Nintendo gave warnings that children won't handle the 3D as well, and trying to view it at too young an age can be hazardous. Dumb ass parents.
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    Yeah, they are. They think that they can play on 3D mode for hours. I can play on 3D mode for hours, but most of the people complaining are dumbasses who can't read a simple warning. I hate them.
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    There's a reason why it says PEGI 7 on the box.
  12. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    Nintendo also chimed in:

    The number of calls and emails with queries on Nintendo 3DS is in fact well below the rate experienced during past hardware launches and having spoken with our retail partners there are only a handful of people who have actually gone into stores to request a refund.
  13. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Re: 3DS Getting Called Back?! Due To: (mod please change to nintendo)

    Theirs a frigen warning Right Before you even launch the system saying if you have any problem with it, Frigen turn it off, wow dont me influenced by mass media, that's just frigen STUPID.

    The guy that took the DS back is a douche he got it for his kid, and then HE played with it, and took it from the kid and said no I don't feel good so YOU cant have it anymore!

    HAHA, and you know the fact that he said

    "Playing with my kid" he probably sat next to him and watched! retard! there is an actual sweet spot to view the 3d

    Any other will give double vision and make you feel like crap
  14. You read my mind with that last one :\ 3D is just not good for you in general, letting your kids use it early is just stupid.

    But I do think the 3D should've been better planned out. The issue of actually holding the console still for best effects, as always diminishes the point of it being portable.
    And yes, yes, you can turn it off. But honestly, I would've liked the to deal with it long enough so that I WON'T have to compromise by turning it off all the time :<

    That said though, I'm not buying it anyway ;XD so
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    LOL a 3DS when you can't use the 3D, what a waste of money. The console is outdated already its only saving grace is its 3D and its exclusive games.
  16. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You can use the 3D. It's only a small group of people complaining (see quote below).

    So it seems like they're just more easily effected by 3D than normal people.
    And I'm willing to bet that a rather large group of those complaining for refunds have simply used the 3DS wrong.
  17. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    yep lol back the sleep :) i wonder what they are gunna do call it back and make 3d glasses for it or what ...

    Edit: ow and ty for the staff whoever changed it to nintendo :)
  18. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    What I think? Typing Like This Is Annoying As Hell.
  19. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    lol and hot avatar lool
  20. asianman231

    asianman231 Member

    Title of the topic is misleading, no where in the article does it say that the 3DS is getting recalled or called back in any sense.

    But anyways, its a good find but remember, just cuz the article says thousands of people are experience problems doesn't mean each one of those people are experience serve problems. Most of them are prolly experiencing mild problems while only a few of them are experiencing real medical problems

    The best solution has been said tho, and that is to turn off the 3D