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3DS Achievements..( oh yes I did..)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by rell, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    I dont know about you guys, but i love trophies and achievements, and even though i know its never going to happen, it doesnt mean I cant be hopeful. What are you thoughts on the matter?
  2. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    I was actually happy an achievement system was not part of the 3DS, last thing we need is kids waving their e-penises around in public.

    Though of the two I Prefer the PS3's trophies over the XBOX360's "gamer score"
  3. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    I actually prefer trophies too. The argument is made that achievements and trophies turned video games into a game. However, It makes you want to complete the game 100%, and or do some pretty fun things along the way before completion. Id love having to beat zelda multiple times in different ways for a trophy..but without the trophy, it seems..rather pointless to me.
  4. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Because virtual trophies are what make a game worth replaying.
    : /
  5. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Nothing will actually make me replay a game unless I really enjoy it.

    But some trophys are nice. I am never against some extra side tracking.
  6. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Yes exactly. I want to feel compelled to beat Gannon only using a deku stick :/
  7. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that.
  8. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Yes im sure you have, but you lack the e-penis certificate to prove, and boast having done so Kind Sir
  9. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    It is most likely WiiU will use this feature.
  10. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Games should be nice without having an achievement system.
  11. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    true, but an achievement system makes people more motivated to finish the game or to be a top-notch gamer.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member


    oh man
  13. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    I think it'd make more sense if an achievement rewarded the gamer for getting it as opposed to just being proof you did something. A lot of achievements/trophies require the player to do a number of things out of their way in order to obtain, so something like additional costumes/gag effects in a game (eg. Big head mode)/ concept art, etc for simply going out of your way to beat Gannon using a Deku Stick would be a more attractive idea than:

    "You beat Gannon using a Deku Stick. Here's an achievement so you can brag about it."
  14. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    AMEN! I hate that too that people really go for that virtual trophee alone.
  15. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with achievements. It means the difference between being a top-notch guy and just a noob.
  16. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    If having trophies means you're top-notch. What about the people who exploited, glitched and cheated their way? How would you know?

    I was never one to believe achievements made the gamer.
  17. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    lol everyone is using my expression (top-notch). I don't think they define the gamer, they are just a way to make a game last longer or to simply show-off to your noob friends that live at their grandmother's basement and are obese like this:

  18. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    You hardly ever can cheat or glitch achievements and if you can they get patched quickly. Achievements show other user what accomplishments the user has got.
  19. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    Yes, on a console level. But I don't think they draw the line between a noob and a better gamer.
  20. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    That's where I disagree. If I see a guy who has completed it on hardest difficulty and have the achievements I think it shows that person has greater ability than a similar gamer that only has the achievement for the lowest possible difficulty/