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3D vs 2D on DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Nox, May 4, 2009.

  1. Nox

    Nox Well-Known Member

    Sorry if there's alreadly a thread like this, the search function is...odd.

    Personally, I can't stand 3D on the DS, it looks quite horrible and it will never be able to set the stage so perfectly as a 2D could and is.
    More and more companies are insisting upon 3D just to get a half-baked game like DQM - Jokers, I think it would have felt better in 2D.
  2. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    Personally rythm paradise/heaven is the best game that has 2d and some 3d graphics.The ping pong players are 3d and it's very good! I'm 11 by the way, names Alex but freinds call me albert. ;D 8)
  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    it depends on how the developers uses the 3D capabilities to the game's advantage, really. some games use it just so they can say that "hey, our game is in 3D!"

    other games like GTA: CW though used 3D and fully utilized it well.
  4. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    granted 3D games can't look its fullest on the DS, but some games pull it off well, like GTA (stated earlier). but most games though, the way they build it REALLY just kills your eyes staring at them...
  5. Nox

    Nox Well-Known Member

    You know I'm fine with minimal 3D, like the 3D in Ace Attorney or in Yu-Gi-Oh Spirit Caller, but most of the whole 3D game's I played so far...blargh.
  6. Burnedmagix

    Burnedmagix Member

    Some 3D is okay, like GTA, but Yugioh 5Ds is horrible. So lame graphics D:
  7. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    well just think about it... some games just have to be in 3D... Dementium: The Ward just wouldn't have the same effect if it were in 2D
  8. Nox

    Nox Well-Known Member

    Dementium is an FPS, yes?I think it's not even possible to make a 2D FPS...I could be wrong though.
    And that's another thing, do FPS games belong on a handheld?
    I barely tolerate the FPS's on the consoles, but handhelds?
    Imagine doing a quad-jump-360 with a stylus, tap once but at the same time start turning and also fireing, those games should come with a third arm attached -_-
  9. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I think they're pretty cool... nothing beats a little COD to pass time on a plane
  10. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    granted, but when you're playing with other people everyone starts to lag like s**t. i sometimes play CoD 4 or 5 with the guys at school and a lot of times we literally lag straight through the shots
  11. kyeom219

    kyeom219 Active Member

    3D games lik Final Fantasy etc. seems okay to me
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    some 3D is good, like what they did in Pokemon Platinum, DS's 3D capability isnt that good once you get used to PSP, PS2 and PS3 kind of 3D.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    One of the bad things I would find is that natively the 3D GPU can only be outputted on one graphics engine at a time (which has a few workarounds ie; use 2D GPU with 3D functions).
  14. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    the DS isn't reall suited for full 3D games, PSP is the only handheld I'd consider them on.

    the "3D" done by Summon Night and Trickster online fit perfectly :p
  15. superninja312

    superninja312 Active Member

    In my opinion, they did a great job with kingdom hearts on the ds and im pretty sure thats the best looking 3d game out
  16. Manithal

    Manithal Member

    I personally love 2d sprites. Graphics are great and all, but I am not someone who wants everything I kill to look real. If sprites are done well, they can be incredible detailed and they take less space so you can end up doing so much more with the game.