There are many topics on this already, including one that is stickied. Check out the gaming lounge. I give this another 2 minutes until it's locked.
man it only matters basically on what games you like that are exclusives, like wether you like halo or resistance, me personally i got the 360 mainly because it has fable 2 out this month and some really kick arse western rpg's but really look at the genre's you like and see which console has more of those games, I love final fantasy games but I heard that the next one is going to be multi platform, plus the price difference, especially here in Australia where the PS3 is still around the 800 to 900 dollar mark when you can pick up the pro version of the 360 for around 300 to 500 dollars. again mate see what exclusives you really wanna play, you know what franchises you like the most and then check your budget. because if you wanna PS3 but can't get the money together no amount of wishing on a star is gonna get it for you.
If you like Halo and FPS) and you dont mind paying for the online support, go for 360 If you like MGS4 and Monster Hunter Unite online support, go for PS3 for me i'll choose PS3 for MGS4, DMC4, MHU(online) and DC vs MK.
I don't plan to buy any of the current generation consoles, but if I have the money, I'd go for the PS3. No additional fees for online, can be modded to run Linux, games are good.
I would rather pay the few $ for online and get the superior service and speed that you get with it....
well for me i'd just get the one that most of your friends have, cause 1- you get to play against friends 2- many people own the consoles so either way, you'll have fun online 3- if you still cnt decide GET BOTH
Not really. It only looks like it because most developers are not familiar with the PS3. If they use the PS3 to the limit, then it will be better than the 360. Thanks guys for your opinions. I've decided to save up for a PS3, since I think it's a good investment and will prove good in the long term. I heard a 160Gig model is coming out.... heard it loses some features that the 80Gig had..... any thoughts?
well i was going to get the 80 Gig one but then i heard that they were about to release a 160 Gig one.. I searched it up on wikipedia and then i found out that the 160 Gig one will lose the Ps2 compatibility (emulation).