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3 games, same problem, Firmware help!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 03shebaz, May 9, 2011.

  1. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    Alright, so I've tried 3 games and all seem to do the same thing

    Pokemon White/Black: After choosing name and finish chatting with prof, BLACK screen
    999: Black screen after loading
    Ghost Trick: White screen after loading

    I'm using R4 SDHC with retro firmware
    Just the file named "r4 SDHC"

    I format the micro SD, place the file content on it, put the games.
    Upon opening the DS im asked to create a SAV file for YSmenu, i accept.
    choose the game
    create sav
    AP pops up -.-

    I've tried using the multipatcher (http://filetrip.net/f24193-RetroGameFan-MultiPatcher-1-19.html)

    still no use...

    Anyone able to help?

    PS i've tried old games and they work fine, I guess something is triggering the AP -.-
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Ask jhon he will know.
    Just make sure they are clean roms
  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    make sure they are clean roms. and use ysmenu 6.58.
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Sorry I have no exp with R4SDHC cards, Thease cards have numbers of issues

    PS: Clean as mentiond roms also
  5. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    yup, using clean roms, how do I check whether I'm using the latest YSmenu? i know i have the latest retro game firmware, bout it...
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    They must be a diffrent issue... Maybe the make of your micro SD chip, as some can read / right faster then overs

    RGF Latest will remain the same for all the older games, I have no issues with them Games you mention on YSMenu/R4 Original with a 2GB kingston micro SD chip
  7. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    I'm using a 2gb SanDisk micro SD chip, but surely if there was a problem with the microSD i wouldnt be able to play my older (AP free) games?

    I have a 1.0 GB nokia SD card lying around somewhere, but I doubt it would be any different...
    Post Merge: [time]1304958624[/time]
    I get the feeling its something stupidly simple, anyone got r4 SDHC firmware which is compatible with the above games that they want to upload and link? ^_^"
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Its not much the Micro SD chip, But the quality of it.. this is somethink RGF did mention!

    Good idea!, Someone who has a setting of YSMenu that works for them, Maybe they can upload there setup for you to use!
  9. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    Taking into account the number of people who frequent the Technical help forum, and then the number of them with a r4 SDHC with YSmenu, and then the number that can actually be bothered to do such a thing for someone they've never met...

    I'd say my chances are pretttty slim.
  10. jimmykiddy

    jimmykiddy New Member

    man i have the exact same problem too with r4 sdhc with these games and with okamiden. i hope we can solve this problem
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    To see which version of YSMENU is in your cart; look for a file name as YSMENU.ini configuration settings. Open it using notepad and scroll down, there is a writing inside that document saying "version=x.xxRGF" (Note: x.xx refer to the version number e.g. 6.59RGF)

    But if you're using TTMENU, I don't know how. Cause TTsystem.ini configuration settings does not contain such info.

    Note: current version is v.6.59 from RGF with his Open Patcher version is v.1.28. Since RGF
    claim he'll be updating once a month, his v.6.60 should be around the corner.