HAPPY YEAR OF TEH GOGOAT EVERYONE~~! According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, today February 19, 2015 is the start of the New Year and 2015 is designated as the Year of the Wooden Sheep (or Goat depending on regional variance). And seeing as RomU is a gaming community with many, many members who are into Pokemon I thought I'd greet everyone by adding a Pokemon twist to my Holiday Greeting. So anyhoo which Pokemon do we know off does fall under the Wooden (or in this case "Grass") type and of the "Goat" kind? Gogoat or (Skiddo depending on your preference) of course~! ;D So yeah, HAPPY YEAR OF TEH GOGOAT EVERYONE~~~!
(goat sound style!) Haaaaaaaaaaaappy Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiinese Neeeeeeeeeeeew Yeeeeeeeeeeeeear! Goooooooooooong Xiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaat Taaaaaaaaaaahuuuuuuuuun Baaaaaaaaaaruuuuuuuuu Ciiiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaa!
If milk is used to make yogurt and goats can make milk Do gogoats make gogurt? Food for thought. Happy payday new year btw.