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2010 Year of the Tiger [Zodiac Signs]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragneon007, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    What Zodiac signs are you Romulation Users? well, 2010 Marks the year of the Tiger, but what does this mean? well heres a Website I came across with details for all the Zodiac signs that you guys might be, as well as the tiger sign for thoes few of you that are Tiger signs.

    Click to check your zodiac sign

    Zodiac sign video

    The Tiger

    Magnetic, passionate and grand! When the Tiger does anything, it’s noticed! Indecisiveness and stubbornness can mar the sparkle of the Tiger personality. On the one hand generous, on the other hand a little mean, it’s sometimes hard to know where one stands with the Tiger. Flexible, honest and truly entertaining, one has a friend for life with a Tiger.

    Forecast for 2010
    Being the Tiger’s own year, 2010 holds great promise for those born under this sign, with exciting developments happening for them both personally and professionally. Some Tigers may be feeling disappointed and disheartened after 2009 and it will be important to leave the past behind and concentrate on the future, which is looking so bright! Financially, everything improves this year for those born under this sign and money-making thoughts and ideas should be fully explored and investigated. With the fast pace of this year for all signs, the Tiger needs to take extra care in planning and thinking all projects through – no rushing headlong into schemes during 2010! Tigers looking for romance will possibly see a friendship suddenly develop into something more personal with exciting consequences. August, December and January will see a very active and entertaining social calendar, but all of 2010 will see fun activities for the Tiger. The Spring months, March to May, will bring encouraging and interesting job opportunities, but the Tiger will still have to make sure he puts himself forward and gets noticed at work.

    Interesting Tiger Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Sapphire
    Special Flower: Violet
    Best Hours: 3-5 am
    Season: Winter
    Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow


    These Tigers play fair and value justice in their everyday lives. They are known to flail in their own personal decision-making efforts.

    As you can see on that website it marks all the signs, but I posted mine since I'm a tiger sign.

    So what signs are you guys?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The Dog

    The Dog is wonderfully hard worker, a perfectionist and someone who loves the small details. He is also a bit anti-social, pessimistic and stubborn. They are one of the most honest and loyal signs of the Chinese zodiac and will always go to bat for a worthy cause. The Dog is a fantastic listener and his advice is usually very intuitive.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Year of the Tiger will be an excellent one for all Dogs with a significant improvement in fortune all year long. They must leave the past behind, for the Ox year was a challenging one, and look forward with optimism and determination. There will still be challenges this year for the Dog, as for all the signs, and it is important that he talk over any potential problems and worries rather than bottling them up. Socially, this is the Dog’s year to shine and many new strong friendships and alliances will be formed. The Year of the Tiger will see increased finances for the Dog with many receiving bonuses or even gifts throughout the year. However, it is important that he takes his time regarding financial matters, checking details and ensuring that he has read all the fine print. May to August will be very significant for single Dogs and all invitations should be carefully considered! September through November will have crucial career opportunities – don’t miss them! Recreational activities and hobbies will also feature strongly, with some able to turn their hobby into their career with great success.

    Interesting Dog Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Diamond
    Special Flower: Marigold
    Best Hours of the day 7-9 pm
    Season: Autumn
    Horoscope Colors: Silver and Red
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The Horse

    Fun, charming and attractive sums up the Horse’s traits perfectly. They love parties and crowds and being the centre of attention. They can also be egotistical, hotheaded and impatient. The Horse is a considerate and protective friend and partner and when in his company, there will always be excitement around the next corner.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Year of the Tiger will be an exciting and lively year for the Horse. On the home and family front, there may be some changes with family members moving in, moving out or relocating to another location altogether. On the social front, the Horse will be in much demand with invitations to parties and gatherings increasing as the year moves on. Health wise, with such a busy year and added pressures, the Horse must ensure that he looks after his diet and gets adequate rest. Otherwise, irritability and heated arguments could arise unnecessarily. Those born under this sign will do exceptionally well career-wise this year. However, they must follow up leads and career openings with vigor in order to take advantage of the fast paced energy of the Tiger year. A word of caution for the Horse – they need to keep a careful eye on their finances as overspending could happen very easily. August through September will bring fantastic opportunities for those looking for love. March through May will be lucky for changing jobs or careers while November and December will bring fun and lively social gatherings.

    Interesting Horse Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Golden Topaz
    Special Flower: Rose
    Best Hours: 11am-1pm
    Season: Summer
    Horoscope Colors: Orange, White, Yellow

    At least things look cheery for me this year :)


    I forgot this part:


    Ambition fuels this Horse’s need to succeed. He likes to acquire materials things and enjoys making money for security. He is hardworking and will be a loyal employee if treated respectfully and justly.

    Sadly that money making bit isn't all that true for me :(

    And might I add, I'm not a "pure Horse" person. As my Birthday falls right at the end of the Horse cycle & is near that of the Ram (sheep) cycle, I have several Ram traits as well. So basically my animal influences are, The horse with bits of Ram & a Sea Goat LOL!
  4. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    The Pig

    The Pig is an innocent, sweet and lovable personality. They can also be quite melancholy and over-sensitive. The Pig loves the company of others, and adores parties, gossip and chit chat. They are highly intelligent, but prefer to keep this side of their nature under wraps. The Pig does not care that much for money, but is one of the zodiac signs that is very lucky.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Pig loves activity and challenges and the Year of the Tiger will certainly provide this. There may be additional financial pressure on the Pig this year, but with prudent spending and consideration, this need not be a problem. The Pig is an open, friendly soul and very trusting, but this year he must be wary. It’s possible that gossip may prove too tempting or that he may listen to false advice, causing upset and trouble. Be guarded and careful this year! The Pig must ensure that he follows up all correspondence or financial dealings – to delay or overlook details will prove costly. Short, fun, unplanned trips will feature throughout the year and will be excellent for off-setting any stresses and pressure the Year of the Tiger may bring. Interest in spirituality and self-development will be to the fore and any opportunity to study and explore these should be taken. November to January will provide excellent opportunites for changing career direction or to find a new job. August to December will prove particularly social, with many fun occasions and opportunities to make new friends.

    Interesting Pig Facts
    Zodiac Stone: Ruby
    Special Flower: Chrysanthemum
    Best Hours: 9-11 pm
    Season: Autumn
    Horoscope Colors: Purple, Red, White
  5. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    The Monkey

    The Monkey is playful, lively, fun and a quick thinker. They get bored very easily and find it hard to settle down to doing any one thing. The Monkey can also be vain and offhand. They are ambitious and usually very good with investing money. With their quick wit and wonderful sense of humour, they are a great party guest. The Monkey’s life will never be dull and predictable!

    Forecast for 2010
    The Monkey’s energetic nature will resonate well with the energy of 2010 – but he will definitely need to pace himself or he will burn out! Changes on the job front could startle the Monkey near the beginning of the year, but by adapting and staying calm, he should weather any storm. It would be wise to take a well-earned break mid-year as all Monkeys will be feeling the pressure that the Year of the Tiger is putting on them. Family expenses may very well increase this year and the wise Monkey will do a little bit of forward planning and budgeting to ensure a smooth passage through 2010. August to October will shine for romantic encounters and the unattached could possibly find the partner they’ve been searching for. July to November will be the best time to start making moves for anyone who wishes to change their job. All those born under this sign will appreciate the support they receive this year from loved ones and friends. Advice will be well-meaning and helpful; be sure to listen carefully.

    Interesting Monkey Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Peridot
    Special Flower: Gladiola
    Best Hours: 3-5 pm
    Season: Summer
    Horoscope Colors: White, Violet, Green


    This Monkey is generally more resolute and motivated than other Monkeys. He is a diligent employee who applies his talents to make his work easier.
  6. flashSTRIKE

    flashSTRIKE Active Member

    me too :DD
  7. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    The Goat

    Graceful and optimistic, kind and easy going, would describe a Goat personality. They can also be petulant and discontented, likely to throw the towel in at the beginning of a problem. They can be charming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and can turn his hand to most creative pursuits.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Goat likes balance and moderation in all areas of life and the Year of the Tiger will ensure that he discovers new aspects and strengths of himself he didn’t know he had! For the artistic and creative Goat, 2010 will bring offers, opportunities and encouragement, leading to new projects and job offers. If they can remain adaptable, open to change and focused, this year could have long lasting positive implications. Study and developing specialist skills is also highlighted for this year. For those wishing to change jobs or find employment, there may be many frustrating moments and it won’t be easy. But then, out of the blue, a job offer or an opportunity will present itself. Be ready! September to November will bring the best chances for work related success. May to September will have outstanding moments for making new, special friends and enjoying the company of loved ones. All Goats need to be aware that the Year of the Tiger is not the time for taking financial risks. If in doubt or worried, they need to be sure to get the advice of a professional.

    Interesting Goat Facts
    Zodiac Stone: Emerald
    Special Flower: Larkspur
    Best Hours: 1-3 pm
    Season: Summer
    Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue

    And interesting my best hours are lunch time :p
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Exactly me.
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    The Snake

    Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the Snake’s many fine qualities. He makes an amusing and romantic friend with a definite flirtatious streak. When challenged or criticised he can be a sore loser. The Snake is very lucky with money and is fond of the odd bet or two. He is quick-witted and enjoys reading, music and occasionally the paranormal side of life.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Snake likes to make slow and steady progress and the Year of the Tiger will find him swept along with unexpected developments – they need to adapt and keep up the pace. On the career front, the Snake will have quite a bit of competition and needs to stay ahead of the game in order to be in line for any promotions or career advancement opportunities. He needs to seek advice from those who can help and not appear too independent – working with colleagues will pay off handsomely during the year. Money management will be crucial during the Year of the Tiger and with careful planning, they should have little to worry about. Time spent with loved ones, either on a well-earned holiday or at home, will rejuvenate the Snake’s spirit during a busy and intense year. February through April will favor work endeavors and promotion. July through December will offer many opportunies for single Snakes to meet a special romantic partner. Travel looks most likely during March and June through August, with fun and romance well starred. Snakes can be shy and loners, but the Year of the Tiger will ensure they have many happy social events to attend.

    Interesting Snake Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Opal
    Special Flower: Passionflower
    Best Hours: 9-11 am
    Season: Spring
    Horoscope Colors: Brown Gold, Green

    i don't know why i have this snake sign, it sounds so evil, i'd rather have the taurus on western zodiac.

    @dragneon007 i remember loonylion was a lion, i mean a tiger
  10. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    oink, shared :)
  11. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    The Monkey

    The Monkey is playful, lively, fun and a quick thinker. They get bored very easily and find it hard to settle down to doing any one thing. The Monkey can also be vain and offhand. They are ambitious and usually very good with investing money. With their quick wit and wonderful sense of humour, they are a great party guest. The Monkey’s life will never be dull and predictable!

    Forecast for 2010
    The Monkey’s energetic nature will resonate well with the energy of 2010 – but he will definitely need to pace himself or he will burn out! Changes on the job front could startle the Monkey near the beginning of the year, but by adapting and staying calm, he should weather any storm. It would be wise to take a well-earned break mid-year as all Monkeys will be feeling the pressure that the Year of the Tiger is putting on them. Family expenses may very well increase this year and the wise Monkey will do a little bit of forward planning and budgeting to ensure a smooth passage through 2010. August to October will shine for romantic encounters and the unattached could possibly find the partner they’ve been searching for. July to November will be the best time to start making moves for anyone who wishes to change their job. All those born under this sign will appreciate the support they receive this year from loved ones and friends. Advice will be well-meaning and helpful; be sure to listen carefully.

    Interesting Monkey Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Peridot
    Special Flower: Gladiola
    Best Hours: 3-5 pm
    Season: Summer
    Horoscope Colors: White, Violet, Green


    These Moneys are clever and charismatic. They are cultured and sophisticated enjoy developing their God given talents. They are however, prone to making up stories to get out of trouble.
  12. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Awwh am I the only Tiger here?
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're not, I am as well.
  14. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Awesome! high five! by the way I'm a Libran Tiger what are you?
    here check out you're discription.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member


    These Tigers have a great appetite for life and thrust themselves into everyday of their lives. They are mostly extroverts who enjoy being out and about in strange places. They also like to be spontaneous and often jump to conclusions before weighing the consequences.
  16. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Mine is pig, i think.
    Was 1995 the year of the pig?
  17. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member


    These Snakes remember everything for they have quite a vivid memory. Don’t underestimate the capabilities of this Snake, for she will forge on until she gets what she wants.

    hmm... well i guess snake isn't so bad...
  18. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Somewhat describes me,since I prefer to do my work alone,but I'm not sure about the magnetic part :p
  19. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Ah...now i get it.

  20. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    The Dragon

    Assertive, energetic and talented are all words to describe the Dragon personality. On the other hand, the Dragon has a tendency to be condescending and tactless without realising it. They generally enjoy robust health and tend to be very successful in anything they turn their hand to.

    Forecast for 2010
    Dragons will find the quick pace of 2010 very much to their liking and they will be keen to spread their wings and look for new possibilities and opportunites. As with the other signs in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon must make use of all the openings and opportunities that present themselves during this year. Teamwork will feature strongly and the Dragon will progress further and faster in his career if he bears this in mind. The Dragon’s financial situation will indeed be rosy during 2010 with a possible increase in income as well as a sum of money coming to them during the year. They must be careful to be disciplined about spending and not make too many impulse buys! May to August will be lovely months for socialising with friends and possible romantic encounters. Dragons do need to remember that love needs attention and if it is taken for granted, problems can arise. May, September and November see the most interesting career changes. Dragons need to take time during the year to have a holiday or getaway with loved ones – with such a busy year, they must not neglect those who matter to them the most.

    Interesting Dragon Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Amethyst
    Special Flower: Sweet Pea
    Best Hours: 7-9 am
    Season: Spring
    Horoscope Colors: Black, Gol

    It suits me =D. But I'm a smidge shocked that I'm the only dragon so far... I am the last one >_>