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2009: Year of the Earth Ox

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I know there are several other "New Years Greetings" threads already put up, but this one's Special as this one tackles the Chinese Lunar New Year & Zodiac Forecasts for 2009 ;)

    For those born under the Ox, 2009 is your year so Have a Prosperous New Year to you & everyone else of course.

    As for myself:

    Taken from http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/2009/2009Horse.htm

    If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Snake, not Horse. (Verify Your Sign)

    Horse people shouldn't have a good luck in 2008, year of Rat. This is because Horse and Rat have fighting relationship. That means many problems in 2008 were required strong willpower and persisting patience to overcome. Some of those obstacles or troubles in 2008 will carry over to 2009, year of Cow. The first half of the year, Horse people still need to handle things slowly and surely and to avoid face-to-face conflict with your opponent. In the second half of the year, your money luck and career luck will be much stable. But it's still not the optimistic time yet. You need to stay alert on your job, investment and health.

    Career: There are many Unlucky Stars showing in career area in 2009. The signs indicate that you cannot concentrate on your daily work quite often. Because the company personnel's struggling and department coordination's problems, so people won't help each other, which will impact your job performance. The schedule of business or project will be slow down. You will have the pressure that people blame on your performance. Fortunately, there also is a strong Lucky Moon Star appearing in 2009. That means someone will show up to support and help you to solve the problems of entanglement. So you cam escape from those troubles and will work back into the normal track.

    Money: A big Unlucky Star from 2008 is gone, but a tiny Unlucky Star appears in 2009. This means that the money luck of Horse people is still struggling. The career is a big factor to determine your money luck. Since you don't have a good sign in career, you shouldn't expect your income will increase from there. Because the company might have the financial issue, you just have to pay attention on your words and deeds to save your job position. Also, you shouldn't expect any windfall. Any risky investment will make you as a loser. When we cannot increase the income, then we have to cut our expense. This is the only way to balance the budget in 2009.

    Love: There is a Love Star coming in 2009. However, this Love Star is not a Marriage Star. That means you have a chance to meet someone you like. Both of you will produce the passion in love. But this relationship won't last too long. If you are married or already in love, then it's possible that a third party will involve your love relationship. Remember that your money luck is poor. If you cannot to handle the temptation, you might have to spend some money to end this short term relationship in the end.

    Health: Unlucky Hurting and Disease Stars still gather in 2009. The signs indicate illness, exhaustion, panic, fright or weakness coming to people. If you have poor health in 2008, your health won't have any improvement this year. Horse people must make sure have enough sleep during the night. Otherwise, they will have weak energy and weak resistance against the disease. Plus, you might have more social hours in your nightlife and not pay attention on your eating and drinking. Then, the headache and digestive system will often bother you in 2009.

    Fortune: In general, Horse people don't have a good luck in 2009, but their luck have significant improvement when comparing with 2008. However, you still need to focus on your moves all the time to prevent any mistakes caused by neglect. Luckily, whenever you encounter the big difficulty, someone will appear to solve the problem for you. Therefore, you shouldn't give up anything when troubles come to challenge you. As long as you follow the rule and insist the principle, you will be fine in the year of the Cow.

    Umm... dang! :(
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In 2008, Tiger people had a Travel Star connected with their career and wealth. There were good and bad in career and money luck. Some tiny Unlucky Stars appeared in health and love area. The general fortune of 2008 should be fair. There are more Unlucky Stars coming in 2009. The career luck is fair, but money luck will go south. Therefore Tiger people should pay more attentions on job position and money investment in the year of the Cow. Since Tiger and Cow have the hurting relationship, your people public relationship will be poor than last year.

    Career: The Lucky Sun Star moves to your career area in year 2009. People around you will support and give you career guide or offer your career opportunity. Because the Sun Star is a male, therefore the person gives your major help will be a man. The sign shows that your boss or supervisor will appreciate your performance and give you more responsibility on assign you major tasks. Certainly, you should gasp this opportunity and fully go for it. However, there is one Unlucky Star coming in the same time, which will disturb your working emotion and obstruct your working progress. If you lose your confidence, cannot overcome the emotional impact, then you might lose this career opportunity and all your efforts will become futile.

    Money: Tiger people don't have any Lucky Star related to money luck. Instead, there are two Unlucky Stars appearing in 2009. Therefore the money income is hard to reach your goal. One sign shows your expense will be more than before, you won't have too much left for saving. This tells you that every time you shop or purchase something, you have to make sure you really need the merchandise. The other sign shows someone might deceive your money investment. That means something might happen and force you to use your savings to pay for that event. Therefore, you shouldn't be greedy in any investment and don't do any risky business even with your close friends or relatives in the year of the Cow. Otherwise, your wealth will decrease a lot.

    Love: No matter that you are single, in love or married, your love relationship is not bad in 2009, because there is a Love Star coming to you. If you are single, you have good chance to meet your companion, even develop a closer relationship. If you are in love, then your love relationship will become stronger and closer. If your partner is ready, then you might get married this year. If you are married, you will be giving and receiving the love more from your spouse. However, you need to keep the distance from the opposite sex outside to avoid misunderstanding.

    Health: There is a tiny Unlucky Health Star around you in 2009. But it won't cause any serious disease. Tiger people should have a good health in the year of the Cow. Only some might have the pressure or obstacle from their job and feel gloomy or depressed. As long as you know how to relax yourself to reduce the stress and let alone unnecessary concern, you should have good energy and spirit entire year.

    Fortune: The luck of Tiger people in the year of Cow is fair. The unlucky part is in the career and wealth area. So don't expect you will have high job performance or good financial achievement. In your career, since the Unlucky Stars attack on your weakness of the personality, if your can persist your determination, keep your humble attitude to face the challenge, then you will have a better chance to succeed. In the wealth, you need to plan your financial strategy in the beginning of the year. Then make sure to follow your plan to balance your budget. Otherwise, your monthly expense will exceed your income. Your should have good health during the entire year. You have excellent luck in love relationship in 2009. However, I shouldn't look for new relationship, if you already have your lover or spouse. This is because that new relationship might not last to the next year.

    Meh... still no job.
  3. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    heres mine

    Last year, Dog people should have a better Rat year than most of people. They should be satisfied for their achievement. Even their friends or relatives around should be proud of Dog people's performance. In 2009, Dog people still have Lucky Stars coming, surrounding and supporting them. But the Unlucky Stars will come stronger than 2008. The fortune of Dog people in 2009 will inevitably fall down a little bit. However, Dog people have the character of loyalty, diligence, frank and honest. Therefore, they shouldn't have too bad year in the year of the Cow.

    Career: Year 2009, there are two Lucky Stars and two Unlucky Star related to career are coming into your life. The signs show the events of disagreement, argument, conflict or resentment will come and bring you trouble. Therefore, you have to pay attention on your words and deeds. You need to focus more on people relationship. As long as you keep your sincere attitude, hardworking spirit and perseverance character, then you should be able to overcome any obstacle, challenge, confrontation and difficulty from your job in 2009.

    Money: One Lucky Star shows you have a good money luck in 2009. But your money luck is connected to the career luck. You have career opportunity in 2009, but the career luck is not stable. Autumn is a better time for your career luck, but not the Summer. As long as you can save your job position, then you should have the stable income. Remember that your money luck this year is not the easy money, you need to work hard to earn it.

    Love: There is no Love Star or Happy Star coming for Dog people. But there is a Lonely Star appearing in 2009. That means your love relationship wont' be smooth in the year of Cow. If you are a senior, then you have to pay attention on your spouse's health. You need to take your spouse to visit doctor whenever he or she feels uncomfortable. If you are married, you might have more quarrel with your spouse this year. If you are in love, you might be lack of chemistry with your companion. If there is a third person involved, then your relationship will be in trouble. If you are still single, then you might have one or two love opportunities coming to you in the Cow year, but the relationship won't last too long.

    Health: Your job responsibility will increase in 2009. You will have more daily tasks in your position and you need more energy and spirit to handle those heavy job. The mental pressure will come together, then you won't have a good sleeping rest. Next, you will be losing your health and have more chances to get sick. Also, the poor relationship in love will affect your emotion and let you feel depressed. This is purely psychological problem. If you can understand that this is not a long term obstacle and learn how to relax yourself, you should be able to solve this problem.

    Fortune: Dog people have a fair luck in the year of Cow, since they have Lucky Stars supporting them and Unlucky stars disturbing them. That means you will have some good time and some hard time. Everything won't be as smooth as you expect. But don't use this as a excuse for frustration or despair. You just have to spend more time to reach your goal. To double your efforts today will let you become more competitive when the opportunity comes tomorrow. In the company, you should keep your profile low, stay away from people giving you trouble and do not have any argument with your enemy. In the money area, don't be too greedy and do not have any risky investment. As long as focusing on your work, you will earn your return. For your love, you need more proactive inĀ  communication to build and maintain a solid relationship. For
    your health, you need to look for more time to rest, and then your health will improve.

    huh, seams fair
  4. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    You would think that the Year of the Cow/Ox would have some lucky stars (or did mario steal them away?)... ah well, what else could go wrong this year...

    Cow people should have a nice Rat year in 2008. Many things end up with their expectation. However, it won't be the same in the year of Cow. Many Unlucky Stars are coming to Cow people and there is no strong Lucky Stars coming to help them. Therefore, the fortune of 2009 is unstable and unpredictable. Troubles and obstacles will appear soon or later and wait for the challenge. Cow people need to pay attention on everything during the entire year of the Cow.

    According to Chinese Zodiac, if the zodiac sign of birth year is same to the zodiac sign of yearly cycle, then that's an unlucky year to the person. Many troubles will come to bother the person. The person needs to manage events with caution at work, at home or traveling to avoid argument, lawsuit, accident, libel, blooding and money loss.

    Career: The Unlucky Year Star and Fighting Stars move to your career area in year 2009. People relationship in your business or job circle will be poor. Business development has the difficulty to expand. You will face strong competition with coworkers in the company. Unfortunately, you are the underdog in the competition. You might keep losing your spirit, cannot focus on your task and then impact your job performance. The good news is that a Knowledge Star appears this year. If your job is related to art, writing, publishing, entertainment, creativity, acting or speech, then you have the chance to show your talent to people and open the door for your better job opportunity.

    Money: Cow people's money luck is connected with the career luck in 2009. Since your career performance won't get any good anticipation, therefore to increase a good income becomes remote possible. Plus, an Unlucky Broken Star shows in the money area. That means it's hard for you to pile up wealth into your savings. In short, money comes, then money goes this year. Therefore, you shouldn't do any short term risky investment. Anything related to money, you need to think twice before you leap. If you don't have any financial plan, then it's hard for you to balance your expense and income.

    Love: Because the Knowledge Star comes into your life, it implies the wisdom, talent and loneliness. If you are married, then you might have more argument with your spouse or children. If you are in love, then you will have less times to meet your lover and the love relationship becomes distant. If you are a senior, then you have to pay attention on the health of your spouse to avoid visiting hospital. If you are single, it's not a good time to pursuit the impossible dream.

    Health: The Unlucky Year Star comes strongly to you in 2009. Many things will disturb Cow people. Worry and anxiety will bring you lots of mental and physical pressure. Therefore, you need fully pay attention on your health. You have to stay alert for any changes of your body. Because you might lose your focus, you need to pay attention on the safety while your are walking and driving on the street to avoid the traffic accident.

    Fortune: Cow people always have unsatisfied events in every Cow year. The fortune in career, wealth. health, love and family will below expectation in 2009. But you don't have to despair or give up. In your career, you just have to hold on your job position, keep your profile low, work harder for your daily job. You need to follow your financial plan and do not waste unnecessary expense. You need to remember to show the care and love to your family members, spouse or lover. You also have to watch your own health. In this case, you will have a peaceful the year of the Cow.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wait, so nomercy are you a cow/ox person is that it?
  6. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I'm not a cow, but my zodiac is. :p Go 1985!
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm a Dragon (1988) Yaar!
    Did you guys know Dragon eats Cows?
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Winter: Everyone's entitled to think & believe what they want so it's alright :)

    And it isn't about the relationship between where you are now in relation to the stars, it's the relationship between when you were born in relation to the position of heavenly bodies. If you want to go deeper, it can also include the exact time in minutes & hours when you were born.

    ROFL seph :D

    Oh & I forgot to mention you shouldn't take this stuff seriously as what these readings say might not even come true. But IT IS weird when the things these say do come true.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    so is my sister, but she's also a fire cow (day)

    Incidentally, I'm a water dragon born in the year of the red tiger :)
  10. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    I am snake, metal and white I think. :)
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    metal is my month zodiac